The Un-Sticker

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Welcome to Windshop, the capital of getting-your-tongue stuck-to-a-frozen-pole-land. You have to drive around quite a bit, but on a normal day you usually find one or two people stuck to a pole or fence. The kids here don't learn. Well, mostly the kids. It's become a serious problem, which is why...I'm the self employed un-sticker! And I have a blog, too.

Let me walk you through my day: Windshop is cold year-round, so I have to dress warm. I wake up at around eight and get ready for the day, heating up two thermoses with hot water and pulling up my blog page. I give my morning announcement, usually just saying "hey" and if I'll be going outside or not. You can get a lot of followers from unsticking people. I get my bag ready: Thermoses, some things to keep warm, some snacks, and my tools for getting people unstuck.

I hop in my car. It is 9:30. At this time, there is no pattern to where the people are, so I just start driving around. By 1:25, I haven't found anyone. I know that one of the schools around here just started recess. This school has had more cases of people getting stuck than any other one, mostly from the fourth graders. Since they have recess with the fifth graders, they hear stories from them and are dared to do the same thing, just like the fifth graders were before from the now sixth graders.

They have an open playground, so I can walk right in. As I'm pulling up, I see a group of kids talking and laughing. I keep a close eye on them as I scan the playground. Sure enough, one of them heads toward a pole. When sticks his tongue to the pole, I walk up. He starts freaking out, trying to pull it off. I tell him to calm down, and that I will help him. But first...I snap a picture, and one of the kids behind him. Then I pour the water on his tongue and use my tool to pull it off. "Be more careful," I tell him as a walk back to my car. Now I post.

Another successful mission at Bridger Elementary! Man, those kids just won't stop.

(Insert pictures I took here)

Some of the fifth graders here told a group of fourth graders here about sticking their tongues to a pole. Those fourth graders then decided it would be funny to dare their friend to do that. Luckily for them, I was here with my hot water to come to the rescue! The kid is okay, and me, being the nice person I am (laugh out loud), didn't tell the teacher.

So where do you guys think I'll find the next person?

After that, I drive around town some more to see who else I can help. There are some people out there who say my blog is fake, but I really do help people! And I like my job, however unusual it is!

The Un-Sticker-#KiddingMe EntryWhere stories live. Discover now