Ukyo and Sakura, Iori and Sarada

Start from the beginning

person falling - tick

catch - tick

set them on feet - tick

go on with the day, not seeing who you helped - tick.

After seeing him with his family, she wasn't surprised that he was like that, but still it would have been nice to have been seen.

"Well, I do, it's just new to me" he admitted "I have to say that I was pretty blind to what you did for me until you were gone. I missed you then, but I didn't know what I was missing until Iori pointed it out to me. I am sorry Sakura for everything." Ukyo for once not being able to express what he truly thought.

Luckily for him she knew him and could see on his face he meant it, he did care for her.

"What do you want of me?" She enquired bluntly.

"I truly don't know " he said, as he really only has known her one day, despite working beside her for the entire time he was a lawyer. "Can we spend time together over the next few days and see?" Showing her his cabin.

She nodded and eyes open wide in amazement "Wow!" She exclaimed "Your cabin is amazing!" Your chairs are bigger than my bed!" As she plopped herself on it "And more comfortable too! Can I see your sleeping quarters?"

Ukyo thought for a moment if his room was tidy and in his mind it was enough for her to look "Sure, my room is the one on the right"

Iori hearing noises came out then, he didn't have a shirt on and looked sleep tousled "oh hi Ukyo and Sakura "

"Hi Iori" blushed Sakura, not sure where to look as she had no experience with men in general, coming from a family of 3 sisters and her father dying at a young age.

Iori noticed her discomfort and excused himself to go put a shirt on. Meanwhile, Sakura entered Ukyo's holiday room and was green with jealousy.

"Wow" she said "I think your bed is as big as my entire room!"

"Really?" Asked Ukyo in amazement "Your room is that small?"
She nodded, "You're welcome to see if you don't believe me!"

"I believe you, but I still want to see" said Ukyo "would you like to stay with us?" He asked hoping she would say yes as it meant that he would see her more.

Sakura on her part was tempted. "No, but thank you for the offer, it's most kind."

Ukyo's face fell in disappointment before quickly returning to his usual unruffled look.
"If you change your mind, you're most welcome to stay"

Iori walked out then and agreed with Ukyo but he added "Ukyo and I are happy to share a room if you would like to stay, my room has two double beds, so it's no inconvenience for us"
Ukyo nodded in agreement, the only reason that he hadn't offered the change was because he had not asked Iori and didn't want to assume.

Sakura looked torn then.

"Please join us!" The brother's asked in unison, and both with pleading looks on their faces.

Sakura laughed "oh ok, if it's no bother to you, but my sister will kill me, can she come too?"

"You have a sister?" Enquired Ukyo

"3 actually, just one on this trip." Replied Sakura.

"I don't mind" said Iori "It'd be fun, and not to mention, you'd feel safer. But why are you in different rooms?"

" sister is a tad disorganised and it annoys my neat streak."

To which the brother's laugh.

"What's funny?" She enquired

"You sound like Ukyo then" gasps Iori "Before he got married, Tsubaki was always being lectured by Ukyo for being messy."

"Tsubaki?" Said Sakura not sure which brother that was

"One of the silver haired twins" supplied Iori

"Ahh, the married one?" Sakura asked to receive uncomfortable looks.


"Why the uncomfortable looks?" Sakura questioned.

"Well, I am not comfortable saying this but the twins share the wife." Said Ukyo looking very perturbed.

"I'll stay if my sister does" she blurted out trying to change the subject as it wasn't something to talk about casually like this.

"Good" the pair smile.

"I'll go ask her then" said Sakura

"I'll come too" said Iori "to help if you need it."


Ukyo stayed and repacked his things and moved them to Iori room, assuming that the girls would come.

Sakura knocks on Sarada's door to hear a sleepy voice ask "Who is it?"

"It's me Sakura!"

"Sakura!" Sounds of excited running to the door and it opening hurriedly "You're back! How was.... who is this?" Says Sarada looking at Iori.

"Iori " he said introducing himself "pleased to meet you ???"

"Sarada! My name is Sarada!" She said flushing at seeing the handsome platinum headed man

"Sarada, " Sakura said trying to get her sisters attention

"Ah, yes Sakura?"

"My boss and Iori have asked if we would share their cabin with them, but it means we have to share a king-sized bed. What do you think?"

Sarada, practically drooling at the sight of Iori, agreed "Let's move!"

Somehow, Sakura knew that would be her sister's response, even if she was moving into a shoebox she still would have said "yes" to a person looking like Iori. So the sisters packed and moved to Ukyo's old room.

While they were packing Ukyo took the liberty of ordering afternoon tea, so the girls would feel a little more welcome. He also updated the captain that he expected the Soma sisters to stay in their cabin. He didn't have any doubt that they would not move as Iori had a tendency of making any girl swoon. He wondered why Sakura was immune to his looks. Not even considering that it was because of her love for him.

After the afternoon tea was delivered, Ukyo heard bubbly chatter and laughter in the hall and the door opened. Iori was first in with the girl's suitcases, followed by a jaw droppingly beautiful green-eyed brown-haired girl full of chatter and smiles and then came Sakura. Ukyo ignored the new girl and welcomed Sakura as if she was an oasis in the desert.
"I am glad you came" he said looking directly at Sakura, again wondering how he missed her unique beauty.
"Thanks" she said "oh, ah, Ukyo this is my sister Sarada, Sarada my boss Ukyo."

Ukyo felt himself be looked over and judged "Pleased to meet you Ukyo!" Sarada said.

"And you too, if you ladies want to get yourselves settled, then we can have afternoon tea" indicating the lovely spread brought by catering to the room.

"Sounds great!" Sarada enthused as she took her bag from Iori and entered the now girl's room. Sakura followed.

The door closed behind the girls and the men heard Sarada's excited squeal coming from the room and wondered what it was about since they couldn't hear the conversation

"Sakura! No wonder you have the hots for your boss!"

"Shh not so loud, Sarada! I don't want him to know!"

"Why not? You underestimate yourself, and really sister, lose your frigging glasses. No one can see you with them!"

"Sarada, I have told you repeatedly, I am not interested in someone who is only after my looks, I want someone who loves and appreciates me. It's just I have spent way too long loving that man. I don't even know why I agreed to move into his room here with you."

"Let me tell you girl, he only sees you now. He didn't even look at me, and you know how men are with me."

"Yeah I know, you surprise me though that you still have not found someone who you like enough to do anything with."

"Yeah, well, you know me I don't keep around what I see no future with. Iori though, he seems different, he might actually meet the bar."

"It's possible, Iori will meet that standard, but will you meet his, dear sister?" Sakura said as she had Iori quite a lot over the past years, he too had high standards. He had a girlfriend in high school who had been killed and he kept comparing any new girl to her and they would fall short. The closest he came to moving on was with the farm girl who remains his friend. Well, at least that's what she figured from the talks she had with Iori.

"Don't know, but it will be fun finding out!" Sarada chirped as she claimed her half the room.

The ladies quickly sorted their things out and left to have afternoon tea with the 2 men.

The 4 people got on extremely well, talking, laughing, joking and eventually went for dinner and later played cards together. At the end of the night all 4 were reluctant to call it a night and sleep, but eventually they did.

Strangely, after 2 hours sleep both Ukyo and Sakura woke up and couldn't sleep. Sakura, was wondering if Ukyo truly noticed her finally and was there a future there, or should she cut her losses and leave as she planned. Ukyo on the other hand was wondering how the hell did he miss this beautiful, warm, loving and caring lady who had been working beside him for 15 years and his life had fallen apart the moments she was away. He felt like a idiot. He did not want to lose her, but he didn't know if he loved her yet, deep down he did, but he didn't want to admit it because of Reiko and Ema. Did he want to risk loving again and being hurt again? He wasn't sure.

Both Ukyo and Sakura gave up on sleep the same time and left their rooms quietly, planning on walking the decks by themselves to think.

They looked at each other in surprise and asked "What are you doing up?"

"I can't sleep, I was going to go for a walk. " the pair said in unison and then laughed.
"Want to walk together then?" Offered Ukyo


The pair walk in a comfortable silence and stop at some point to watch the ocean and night sky.

"I'm afraid " Ukyo says eventually, not realising that he said it out loud.

"Of what?' Sakura asked

"Of loving" he admitted


"My last two choices were disasters, one a bitch and the other in love with and married to my brother. And then there's you."

"Me? What about me?" Sakura surprised that she was included.

"The most helpful, lovely, beautiful helper and I never saw you, didn't even know you existed until you didn't."

"I don't understand what you are saying Ukyo " Sakura finally said after a few uncomfortable minutes.

"Nor do I, but I do know that without you, Sakura, I can't be me. You complete me like no-one else has, I suspect that you know me better than I know myself. I see you now and I don't want to let you go, but I am also afraid."

Sakura put her hand on his and comforted him that way. She gathered that that was as close to a "I love you, don't leave me " as she would get. Maybe, just maybe, she didn't have to give him up yet.

Sakura started to shiver as the night temperature suddenly dropped. Ukyo noticed this so moved to warm her by hugging her. They stayed like this awhile heading in when they started to get sleepy. Instead of going to their rooms they sat on the couch next to each other on the daybed bit of the couch and slept there.

The next morning both Iori and Sarada took photos of the pair as they looked so cute sleeping together both without their glasses. Then they left them to themselves and went and did activities together. Striking up a friendship as time went on.

Sarada sent the best photo she took of the couple to Sakura with a message, "you looked too cute to disturb Iori and I have gone out. Have fun ; p

Ukyo woke first and found his arm around Sakura and head resting on hers. He tilted his head forward a little and kissed it. Sakura awoke then to find herself still in his arms and her head kissed affectionately. When she felt him move away, she sat up and stretched "Morning Ukyo " she greeted and got up to have a shower as she felt like something the cat dragged in.

"Morning beautiful" he greeted back, thinking that he would not mind seeing her stretch every day like that as there was something innocently sensual in it.

His comment startled her but she quickly recovered as she left. "Where are you going?" He asked, sad to lose her company

"For a shower, I feel like something the cat dragged in" Sakura replied.

Realising that he felt the same, got up to do the same. "Good idea!" He said as he headed to Iori's rooms ensuite. He took a little longer to shower that morning as his body acknowledged that he wanted her, even if he wasn't ready to admit it for himself.

Sakura just had a slightly colder shower than normal, not believing that she had actually slept next to Ukyo all night in his arms. It wasn't till she had exited the shower and gotten dressed that she wondered what happened to her sister and Iori as she had not seen either.

It was then she checked her phone and let out a squeal of embarrassment.
Ukyo hearing the squeal comes running in out of concern holding a towel around him.

"Are you ok Sakura?" He questioned worried about the girl.

Sakura looking at Ukyo's state of undress blushed bright red before turning her back to him. "I am fine" she managed to get out.

"Then why did you squeal?"

"Ah! I will show you!" and held her phone so that he could see without looking at him.

Silence greeted her, and she felt Ukyo leave the room.

Ukyo went to his room, not bothering to dress and sat down thinking, his head in his hands. He was confronted by that picture. It showed him that he had already fallen in love with Sakura, his body language and sleeping face didn't lie. He just didn't know what to do with that information.

Sakura wondered what she'd done wrong, as Ukyo just left, he had never done anything like that before, this was something new. She went out to the lounge and puzzled for a while, while trying to watch TV. Nothing caught her attention so she turned it off again. After prowling around the lounge, she gave up and decided to confront the issue and knocked on Ukyo's door.

"Come in!" She heard and on entering saw Ukyo was still undressed but clearly in a troubled state.

"What is wrong Ukyo?" She said as she plopped herself next to him.

"Nothing, it's just that photo ..." he said.

"What about it?" Sakura asked

"It shows that I love you " he said.
"Is that a bad thing?" She asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

He didn't answer, but decided to take a leaf from his two brother's books. "Would you marry me today?" He asked instead, knowing that they could by a ship's captain and it be legal. This was totally out of character for the carefully planned and organised man, but he had planned twice already before and it failed. His two brothers, who didn't plan past the next minute were both happily married with kids, even Azusa and the strange relationship with Tsubaki and Yuri was happy.

"Huh? What? No, it's too soon!" She replied

"Is it" he asked and told her about his two brothers.

"I see your point." She replied. "Look, if my sister agrees I will marry you "

So he rang her sister on his phone and asked "Can I marry your sister today?"

"No way!" He got back

"Why?" He felt like his heart had been ripped out.

"Well " she explained "I am not saying no to you, just the timing. Sakura needs at least a wedding dress and proper rings, none of which are on this ship. I know cause Iori and I went shopping for something to do. Wait until the next port, also I want to try and get the rest of my family here if you are marrying my sister. Understand?"

" I see, I understand now."

So Ukyo rang the rest of his family and Sakura rang hers. His Mum Miwa, immediately demanded her measurements and a photo of her and she would adjust one of her designs so that she could have a proper wedding gown. Sakura was initially peeved about not choosing her own until she remembered who exactly Ukyo's mother was. If she couldn't get her the perfect wedding dress, no one could.

Both families made it to the next port and managed to get a chapel, minister and license all ready for them. That was 3 days away.

"You know " Sakura commented one of the days when she was sunbathing next to him lying on her stomach, while he was beside her on his back "Marrying me quickly like this is very un-Ukyo like. Why are you?"

"I told you why"

"I know, I just find it hard to believe that you would be like them."

"Are you objecting to marrying me then?" He asked moving his head under hers so he could look into her enchanting eyes.

"No" she said and kissed him "I guess I don't get why me yet, when I was invisible before."

He thought for a moment and reached up with his hand and tucked her hair behind her ear and bought her face close to his to kiss again "because I am a blind fool for not noticing you sooner, is all I can say," looking at her lovingly.

"I still wonder if I am dreaming" she said.

"Fair enough " he replied.
Meanwhile, Iori and Sarada were getting to know each other too, finding more and more in common. The quiet man complimented the bubbly outgoing girl and the pair, being impetuous too, decided to have a double wedding with Ukyo and Sakura.

Ukyo and Sakura were pleased, as they felt braver for having the other couple follow the impetuous suit started by Tsubaki years ago.
Miwa, luckily had a second wedding dress in her sisters more voluptuous style that she could modify.

The couple's got married the same day and time and the girls had waited for marriage before making love to their husband's. Both husbands were inexplicably delighted with their wives for that as neither was expecting it, having been in relationships prior.

Ukyo and Sakura returned to work, but did not tell anyone that they were married, they wanted to see if anyone noticed.

People noticed alright, but what they couldn't figure out was why Ukyo started flirting regularly with his secretary that he ignored for 15 years prior. Also, his work productivity increased because he was complimenting Sakura. He occasionally would close his room off with her and she would leave looking a little disheveled.

It wasn't until Sakura became clearly pregnant a year later that they were forced to reveal their relationship. To which the whole office wondered why this mousy plain thing won the heart of the handsome Ukyo. He would just say "If you think my wife plain, you really don't know her, God knows I didn't even see her for long enough, more fool me."

Ukyo and Sakura had 2 children as Ukyo was still looking after most of his brother's and some of their children. 2 was more than enough for him. Luckily, he had a understanding wife. Chi, ended up being the stay-at-home mum for everyone's children, which worked well for Ukyo and Sakura as it meant that their work team continued as Ukyo really was hopeless without his secretary, difference was he now acknowledged Sakura's work.

Iori and Sarada moved to be near Natsume, Tsubaki, Azusa and Yuri so they could both be near family. Sarada taught at the local high school. Iori would travel to wherever his work as a model required him, occasionally doing farm work as his work changed. They also had two lots of twins before Sarada arranged a permanent solution to having more children. At some point Natsume and Grace told the couple of their relationship.

A/N Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter.

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