Chapter 15

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"Haru wake up." I felt a hand lightly shaking me.

"No, let me sleep." I groaned, annoyed that I was woken up.

"Haru you need to go back home." The voice whispered back.

I ignored what the voice said and just moved closer to it and snuggled into the body that was next to me.

"I'm fine." I mumbled back.

"No, you need to go back. Your family doesn't know you left, they'll be worried."

I heard mention of my family so I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and noticed I was holding onto a large waist and my head was on someone's chest. I looked up and saw Oikawa's face and remembered what happened.

"Oh god! I have to go." I jumped up starting to freak out.

"Hey don't get up so quickly." He grabbed me once I stumbled from the sudden movement.

"I have to go now!" I was freaking out. "Thank you for a great night, I'll see you later." I gave Oikawa a kiss on his cheek and rushed out of his house.

Oikawa's POV:

I held my cheek where she placed her soft lips too. I couldn't believe that I finally got to kiss her even if it is just to annoy her brother.

I got up to clean up the popcorn bowl and put everything away. It was still the middle of the night so I didn't want to go upstairs so I just laid back down on the couch and held the blanket that now smelled like Haru.

Haru's POV:

I ran back to my house as quickly as I could in case someone noticed I was gone. Once I got to my door I picked up the key from under the mat and quietly opened the door. All the lights were off which was a good sign for me.

I closed the door and crept up the stairs to my room and entered safely. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I turned on my lights so I could get changed for bed and read a bit. I regretted that decision immediately as I heard the floorboards creak.

"Haru are you awake?" A tired sounding Tobio asked.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I answered. He pushed open my door and lazily walked into my room.

"Look, I'm sorry about getting mad at you. I get that you can do whatever you want but Oikawa isn't a good person."

"How do you know he isn't a good person? You barely know him." I countered.

"I've known him longer than you!" He started to get angry. "Sorry." He quickly apologized. "I just don't want him to hurt you. Can't you just find someone nice like Suga?"

"So you want me to date Suga?"

"No, I don't! Just someone that is nice like Suga." He corrected.

"Well, what if I was dating Oikawa?" Tobio's eyes grew in frustration.

"Literally anyone but him." He pleaded.

"Sorry to break it to you but he is my boyfriend. I just came back from his place." His face went pale and he was frozen.

"Did you do it with him?"

"God no! I just started dating him." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to have mom and dad transfer you to Karasuno. They won't want you to be around him either."

"What the hell Tobio? It's my life you can't control it!" I yelled a bit too loud. A creaking sound could be heard and I knew I fucked up.

"What is all the ruckus for?" Dad asked while rubbing his eyes.

"You remember that guy I told you about, Oikawa?" My dad nodded. "Haru is dating him now and snuck out to his house."

"Did you really just tell on me like we're five?" I couldn't believe him.

"I think she should transfer to Karasuno so she isn't around him."

"That might be for the best." My dad agreed.

"Are you serious? Why can't I just date who I'd like? This is bullshit!"

"Language Haru. I'll send an email right now so hopefully by tomorrow she can be moved. And Haru I need your phone." He grabbed my phone before I could stop him. "We'll talk more in the morning." Just before he left I heard a ding from my phone.

"Can I at least read the text?"

"It's from 'Trashikawa'. He is asking if you got home safely and he apologizes for not waking you up sooner to send you home." My dad read aloud.

"See! He is worried about me. He isn't an awful guy." I tried to get them to believe me but they just closed the door and went to their rooms.

I couldn't believe them. And now I would have no way to let Oikawa know what was happening. 

My Spring Mission (Oikawa x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن