Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing nonstop which confused me since not a lot of people would call me. I quickly looked to see who it was and instinctively flipped it over incase anyone would somehow see it. No one would since I was by myself but I guess it was just a reflex. I decided to answer it since it continued to ring.

"Hey, why are you calling?" I asked Oikawa.

"Two things. One, can I meet you and two, when do you think I'll get those pictures you took?" I knew I meant to do something last night! I forgot to edit the photos I took.

"It should only be another day or so. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to meet you, what's it about?" I questioned.

"I have a practice match and I was thinking that I could slip in some practice time for you before the match."

"Really? I'd love that!"

"You would?" I could imagine the smirk he had on his face at this point.

"Yes I'd love to see Iwaizumi play! He's such a great player!" I teased.

"Wait what?" He sounded sad by what I said. I was about to respond but I heard a knock at my door.

"I have to go." Was all I said before I hung up.

"Haru, can I come in?" I heard Tobio ask from outside my room. I walked up to the door and opened it to see what he wanted.


"I'm really sorry, about what I said yesterday but it's just that you're around so many guys and I don't want them to hurt you. I care about you and I don't ever want to see you hurt."

"It's alright Tobio. I understand but if you could just be a bit less obsessive that would be nice. I'll let you know if I ever like any of your volleyball guys okay." I laughed but Tobio did not. "It's a joke." I sighed and started to close my door until he stopped me.

"Who were you on the phone with?"

"Are you eaves-dropping or something?"

"No, I just heard you talking when I came up to the door and then hung up really quickly." He seemed slightly concerned.

"It was one of my friends from my school in America." I lied.

"You know, you never really talk about how it was there, you always avoid the topic. Why is that?"

I suddenly felt my entire body tense and I tried not to seem bothered by the question.

"It just wasn't the best time." I replied and closed the door.

Once I got into my gray shirt and black shorts I decided to call Oikawa back to see what time he wanted to meet me.

"Oh look who's calling me." I could hear his laugh over the phone which just made me roll my eyes.

"I wanted to see what time you wanted me to get there."

"Can you get here in thirty minutes?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll be there soon." I hung up and grabbed my water bottle, or should I say Oikawa's water bottle, to fill up to hydrate myself while practicing.

I slipped out the door without anyone noticing and just sent a text to Tobio that I'd be out for a bit so no one would worry.

Since I had some time before I needed to be there I decided to stop by a café to get some food since I didn't eat anything yet.

"Haru-chan!" I heard Oikawa's laugh from behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I got into line to order some food.

"I need some food to start the day, I assume you're the same." I nodded.

"What's good here? I've never been here before."

"Do you trust me?"

"What?" I was very confused at this.

"Do you trust me to pick out food for you?" He said so I understand what he meant.

"I guess so." But I wasn't too sure about this.

"Go find a table and I'll get you food and a drink. I bet you will like both." He ruffled my hair as I started to walk away.

"Why'd you do that?" I blushed.

"I don't know." He turned to the menu and started to ignore me but I did see a small smile in his face before I found a table.

My Spring Mission (Oikawa x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora