Chapter 8

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I finished getting dressed in a pair of black shorts with a large T-shirt that used to belong to Tobio tucked in. I then walked down the stairs of my house with my broken camera. I started to walk out of the house when something grabbed my shoulder.

"Now where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see my dad.

"Heading out to a forest that's supposed to be very good for photos." I said plainly. He didn't know it was broken again so I could use that excuse for now.

"So just to be clear you're not going off to see this Oikawa guy?" My dad asked. He knew that I don't lie, especially towards my own family.

"As I was telling Tobio, I hate the guy so why would I want to see him?"

"You were taking pictures for him." He said with suspicion.

"That's because I got money out of it and I'm friends, we'll sort of friends, with another player on the team." I quickly told him.

"Who is this other guy?" He asked sternly.

"Hajime Iwaizumi, he's their wing spiker." I added his position to seem like we talked about volleyball a lot.

"Fine, you can go." He mumbled.

I thanked him and walked out calmly but then started to speed up since I was running a bit late. Once I reached the forest Oikawa was talking about I started to look around to see if he was around.

"Oikawa! You here?" I yelled while starting to walk into the forest a bit. There was so answer so I decided to wait outside of the forest for him. I slid down to the tree to sit on the warm grass. I decided to put my headphones on to keep myself entertained as I waited for the tarty tutor.

After about five minutes I closed my eyes and just tapped to the beat of the music that I was enjoying. I suddenly felt a light flick in my forehead which caused my eyes to fly open. I looked up to see Oikawa with a large smile on his face, most likely from my reaction.

"What the hell was that for?" I growled at the guy who was just acting innocent with his little shoulder shrugs.

"Well you had your headphones on so I thought it'd be a good way to get you attention."

"It's a good way to get a beating." I smirked as I raised my fists and gave him some punches on his shoulder. Obviously not so hard that it hurt him but definitely so it'd cause a little pain.

"Ow! I'm here to teach you how to play volleyball and you decide to beat me up instead? You really are like your brother." He mumbled.

"Speaking of volleyball, lets get going!" I said a little to excitedly. I then made a straight face and calmed down.

"I brought you a water bottle." He shyly passed me a large blue tinted bottle.

"Oh, thanks." I blushed slightly. He was actually being nice. Somehow, even with his usually awful personality, he decides to be kind to me which makes me feel weird. I know that he is mostly a crappy person so I shouldn't like him but when he's nice to me, he's really nice and makes me feel almost, special.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned.

I noticed that he was staring at me while we were walking deeper into the forest. I looked back at him and into his chocolate eyes. I quickly looked away and tried to act like nothing happened.

"Just thinking about..." I was trying to think of something realistic.

"Me?" He smirked.

"No!" I said a bit to loudly to be normal.

"Oh really?"

"I was thinking about how I'm going to get my camera fixed." I quickly told him.

"Oh, you know I still owe you some money. Would that be enough to get it fixed?" He seemed to genuinely want to help me.

"No, considering it just got fixed, I'll probably have to pay a lot more than that." I sighed.

"Then how about I pay you in advance. I give you the money you need as long as you promise that once your camera is fixed you will take some more pictures for me."

I was shocked by that! He hadn't even seen the pictures I took, I just started editing them on my computer.

"I couldn't do that."

"Come on, what other choice do you have?"

"You know what, fine. I'll take you up on your offer."

Who knows, maybe this will be a good thing. He gave me a smile but turned his head before I could see if it was a real one or not. I just hoped it was real.

We finally reached the small volleyball court and I set my water bottle down and took one side of the court. Oikawa went on the opposite side and took the volleyball out of his bag to get to work.

Hello everyone! I've finally updated! I'm sorry for the long wait but I'm hoping to be more active here now.

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