Chapter 4

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"Oi, baka hurry up and get downstairs!" Tobio yelled.

"Don't rush me!" I yelled back.

"I know you aren't a girly girl! You're  not putting on makeup you're reading some stupid manga!" He yelled back.

"Shit he's found me out!" I accidentally yelled.
"I knew it! If you don't want to be late you should leave now. Also your camera is back from the shop so you can use it again." I came flying down at the news.

"Did they get the pictures in it back?" I asked concerned since I needed them for my portfolio.

"Yes. Why are you wearing the guys uniform and not the girls also?"

"Well it's kind of cause of Oikawa..."

"What did he do? Did he try something on you?" He angrily yelled.

"No no nothing like that!" I exclaimed. "It's just he makes me feel a little uncomfortable so I decided I'd like pants better than a skirt. I was going to do that anyways cause as you said earlier, I'm not a girly girl." I smiled.

"Ok. Please be careful if you're around him."

"I will, I promise." I grinned. We got the rest of our stuff together and headed out. I grabbed my black camera from my case and switched out the lenses to capture the mountains around us.

"Are you going to keep walking or just stand there?" Tobio asked.

"Shut up! I'm coming I just need to retake the shot." I rolled my eyes and went back to my camera.

"I'm not waiting for you so just get to class on time. I have to meet Hinata so we can work on our quick."

"Ok." I mumbled as I tried to focus. I finished up the photo and walked to school. As I got to the gates I decided to take a shot of everyone rushing into the school. I had set it up perfectly but then something, well someone popped into the screen. The face was a little too close for comfort so I put the camera down and stared into the eyes of my brother's enemy.

"Nice day isn't it Haru-chan?" He questioned with a fake smile and head tilt.

"Oikawa get out of my way." I growled. But he ignored me completely.

"I didn't know you took pictures. Are they any good?"

"Well of course they're good I've been doing this since I was six!" I yelled.

"No need to get mad, I was just asking your opinion. Can I see them?" I rolled my eyes and handed him my camera knowing that he wouldn't let me go otherwise.

"Can I have my camera back?"

"These ones of Tobio are good. Can you do some of these for me?" He asked but this time a lot calmer and without his fake smile.

"Sure but it'll cost you." I said thinking that getting money is worth being around the dumbass.

"What'll it cost me?" He asked in a bit of a seductive tone.

"5560 yen." I said calmly but thinking that the amount might be too much and he'll turn it down.

"I'll give you 4445 yen and teach you how to play volleyball."

"I know how to play." I mumbled.

"If you knew then you would be in the volleyball team or at least try out for it."

"How do you know I didn't try out? Are you stalking me?" I asked suspiciously.

"No, I was there for the try outs and I didn't see you there." He smirked knowing he beat me.

"Fine. What time do you want me to come to the gym?"

"Right after your classes end meet me by the door so we can practice. Oh and you can commemorate this with an amazing chance to take pictures of my handsome face." He smirked knowing that he was hot. I mean who could deny that, but his attitude was terrible and I just couldn't handle that.

My Spring Mission (Oikawa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now