chapter two.

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"What brought you here, to New York of all places?" Taylor asked as the star-shaped droplets started falling to the ground outside. She couldn't recall how long she'd been sitting here - she didn't mind that it felt like forever. It could have been twenty seconds, but it also could have been a lifetime, too. The world kept moving swiftly outside, the hustle and bustle continuing as she got lost in his eyes. He was calm, soft-spoken and kind. He had this captivating smile and these opal eyes that she couldn't drag herself away from. His accent, deep and British, was a voice she could listen to for the rest of her life.

While she talked, he listened and seemed to love what she was saying. It was so refreshing - to have every word that came out of her mouth be appreciated by someone who genuinely seemed to care. He seemed to be taking in every single word she was saying. He didn't cut her off or change the subject. Seemed to know exactly what she meant. He didn't cut her down or say that it was stupid. "You know... I'm one for dreams. When I was five and first saw the big lights of New York City for the first time, I knew that I wanted to move here one day. It's a long way from home, and certainly a lot busier than home, but... it's a place for the dreamers." His words were laced with beauty. They were the sort of words that would only sound good coming out of Joe's mouth. "I like to think that, you know... being an actor... is sort of like being a dreamer. I bring the dreams to life. I play characters that have just been words on paper until I bring them alive. I like to think that maybe... just maybe, I belong here." There was a loneliness in his voice, she noticed it in an instant. She'd felt like that for a little too long, and that made her recognise it instantly. A soft, invisible golden light radiated off of the two of them, which one could see if they paid enough attention. A person could only notice it if they'd felt like this themselves, if they'd been in such a dark place and finally seen the daylight.

She hadn't felt this warm in the longest time. Taylor nodded and was about to open her mouth to say something else when her phone started vibrating in her pocket. She winced. There was only really, ever one person that called her these days. Her mom, yes, but that was often much later in the day. Which left one other person. Adam.

"You can get that if you want, don't let me stop you." Joe offered and pulled a little leather notebook out of his pocket. She didn't want to get it. She wanted to tell him, no. I want to sit here with you forever. But she stopped herself. She'd only dreamed about this moment for almost four years... and Adam was going to dampen her moment.She picked up the phone and hoped like hell that Joe couldn't hear the voice screaming at her across the phone. She tried keeping her face happy, tried to make sure that Joe couldn't tell that she was upset. She glanced up at him once more before she looked down at the floor. "Where the fuck are you? I can't see your location. You just leave without letting me know? You've been gone for two hours! What the fuck? Who are you with? Who the fuck are you with?" She tried her best to keep a straight, calm face, but from the look on Joe's face across the table, she could tell that she faltered. She could tell that the fear was written all over her face. She couldn't hide the way that Adam made her feel, even through the phone. "I'm just doing the rest of the Christmas shopping... I'll be home soon... I ran into a friend and now we're just having coffee." She bit her lip, hard. She'd gotten into so many bad habits while she'd been with him. Habits that she knew were bad and that was going to be incredibly hard to get rid of. "Who are you with?" It was not phrased as a question. Adam didn't like questions. It was a command. Taylor closed her eyes, sighing. She didn't know what to do, because if she said someone else's name then Joe might wonder why she never said that she was with him... and then she might have to explain it all. She couldn't do that. "An old friend." She told Adam softly. "I'll be home soon." She hung up the phone, even though she knows that this will make him angry. She knew it was a mistake but she didn't see any other way. Her life seemed to be a balance of deciding which mistake would hurt her less.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked her as she placed her phone back into her pocket. His voice was quiet, and Taylor worried that she'd spoiled it all. There it was; the dreaded question that haunted her wherever she went. He didn't break eye contact with her, didn't look away. "I... have to go," Taylor spoke softly with a shaking voice. "Sorry. It's been great. So, so great. I've had the best time... really. I loved talking to you so much, you have no idea." She stood up from the table, leaving a generous tip. "Sorry. I'm just so sorry."
"Wait-" She heard him come after her, but didn't stop until she was standing outside. And even then, she knew she shouldn't stop. If someone got a photo of her with him - and Adam saw? There'd be no coming back from that. If Adam found out about this, she worried she wouldn't see the dawn again.

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