At The Hospital Again

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We just arrived at the hospital. I took all of daddy's stuff off of him and ran to the ambulance my mom was in. I climbed onto the stretcher and took all of her stuff off of her. I went into the room and Griffen came in. Bailey what happened, Griffen said. It's not just mommy uncle Griffen daddy is here as well, I said. Tell me what happened, Griff said.
Someone kidnapped them and they beat daddy and he is in a coma again yoibhave to set him up to machines this time I have to stay with mommy, I said. I will get his doctor from last time to do that but what did they do to Addison, Griffen said. Je raped her uncle Griff, I said. I laid down next to mommy and he passed me a hospital gown. I put it on her and then stayed next to her cuddled up into her side. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was in the waiting room of the hospital. I looked around and I was the only one here besides doctors and nurses. I got up and walked around for a bit until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw griffin standing there. Hey watch where you're going kid, griffin said. I didn't reply instead I kept wondering around until I found daddy's room. I walked in and saw him laying there connected to like 5 machines. I couldn't help but feel that this is somehow my fault. I don't even know who the person that hurt them is. I satin the chair besides my daddy's bed just lost in thought. I was holding his hand staring at the wall. The first time this happened it took a big tole on me but I knew that mommy would be with me and now both of them are here and I have no one to help me. The thought of being alone kept running through my head. I got snapped out of my thoughts by the door opening. It was a doctor. Bailey your mom is asking to see you and she won't calm down, the doctor said. I got up and walked out of the room following the doctor to my mommy's room. Once I went in I held her hand and calmed her down. I wanted to cry and break down so bad but when I am in the room with one of my parents I have to hold it in and keep it together for them. If I broke down it would only hurt them more. Then I heard my mom scream. My head shot up and a guy dressed in all black was cutting her arm. This is what happens when you don't do as told, they said. I didn't recognize the voice but I did recognize the outfit. It was A. Why is he coming after me, I thought. Then I remembered Emily. My aunt and seeing as A has moved on to the blood relatives of the original liars. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my mommy's phone and dialed Emily's number. She picked up right away. Hello may I ask who this is, Emily said. Aunt Emily you and the girls need to get to L.A right now, I said. What happened, Emily said. He put both of my adoptive parents in the hospital and he went to my mommy's room and cut her arm, I said. When is the next flight all of us are on our way, Aria said. Bring your kids, I said. We will and the flights are booked, Spencer said. My daughter won't be coming, Hannah said. You mean to tell me she is the one who went missing, I said. Yeah, Allison said. You do realize that the flight leaves in about 30 minutes, I said.

The Unwanted Princess That gets Adopted by Addison and Bryce Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum