Bad News

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We just got home from the hospital with Daddy. I was so happy but I was also super scared. What if it happens again, I thought. My thoughts kept going in a circle until each one was answered. Bailey come food is ready, mommy said. I ran over to her and started eating my food. After I finished eating I went to play in the garden. After a while of playing I went inside to get a drink. When I went inside the window was broken. The hype house is only a 10 minute walk from here but i can get there in 3 minutes if I run. I ran to the front door and down the driveway. I ran up the street with a black van following me. Once I reached the gate I slide through the super small opening in between the bars and ran to the door. I ran inside the house and into the living room where everyone was. I was out of breath now and everyone was watching me. Hey tell us what happened, Charli said. Someone broke into the house and I can't find mommy and daddy, I said. Ok calm down it's all going to be ok, Chase said. No it's not ok my dad just got out of the hospital and is already missing, i said. I focused on my dad. I saw him getting abused. He was going to end up back in the hospital or worse dead. That's when it hit me. The person who put him in the hospital must want him dead. Then a gun was pulled out and pointed to mommy's head. Any last words, a guy said. Noooo, I screamed. I ran out of the door and continued to tun for about 30 minutes until I arrived at an old building. I ran inside looking for the room that mommy and daddy were in. When I found the room I busted through the door and attacked the guy who was hurting them. I saw daddy hanging from a pipe but didn't see mommy. I looked around the room and saw a mattress on the floor. I walked towards it and saw mommy laying there completely naked. I grabbed the phone that was on the floor and called 911. The call. 911- 911 what's your emergency. Me- My parents were taken and I just found them. 911- How can we help. Me- My dad was abused and my mom was raped they need medical attention, I said. 911- A ambulance is on the way. Me- Thank you. A couple minutes later the Ambulances arrived. I had put mommy's close on her already and taken all of her stuff. So I rode with daddy and would go see mommy as soon as we got there. The police took away the guy that did this to them and Then the paramedics took my parents away. I tried to get in the ambulance with my dad but the police officer wouldn't let me. By law they can have one family member ride with them so let me go, I said. I saw the same paramedic as before from when my dad first got taken to the hospital. I ran over to him. Hey what's wrong, he said. The police officer won't let me ride with my dad, I said. Go get in the back with him before something happens, he said. I did as he said and went to my dad. But first I went to my mom. I am going to go with dad because his condition is worse but I will come see you as soon as you get a room, I said. Ok princess, mommy said. Then I went to daddy and sat on the stretcher with him. I put my hand to his chest and his heart was beating way too fast. Then I saw that he is going to go into a coma again. Daddy please just stop fighting it, I said. Why princess, Because if you don't you could die, I said. He just nodded his head and then went into a coma. 

The Unwanted Princess That gets Adopted by Addison and Bryce Where stories live. Discover now