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-This story takes place after the Giant war and The Deathly Hallows

-Fred is still alive

-lupin did not die nor did tonks

- Hope you enjoy

Harry P.O.V

I was staying with the weasleys over the summer. I was sitting on a bed watching Ron and Hermione argue.

"We saved the bloody wizarding world why do we have to go back to school" Whined Ron

"Well maybe you don't know everything Ronald!" Hermione shot back.

It's been going on for at least an hour and I was getting sick of it. I rolled my eyes then yelled "Shut up, both of you!".

They stared at me blankly then with perfect timing...

"SCREECH!" The window shattered and a brown barn owl came barreling through. I jumped off the bed and kneeled down next to the owl.

I untied the envelope from his leg and he started flying in circles around the room before zipping out of the window.

"Reparo" Hermione said. The window fixed itself clearing the ground of broken glass.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked

"It's from Professor McGonagall," I said opening the letter, "She wants the order to meet at 12 Grimmauld Place tomorrow at noon she has important news."

"Lets go tell Mrs weasley" Hermione said

We all stood up and made our way to the door.

Hermione P.O.V

I wondered what what is so important to get the order together. Whatever it is we will get through it right? We defeated voldemort it can't get worse can it?

Time skip because i'm lazy. 12 o'clock grimald place. :)

We used apparition to get to the grimald place.

Me , Ron , Harry , and the rest of the order where sitting around the table waiting for McGonagall to arrive. It was out of character for McGonagall to be late.

I heard a creak as the front door opened, and then footsteps coming down the hall. The door to the kitchen swung open and McGonagall walked in.

"Sorry I am late but I have some very grave news and should get to the point" McGonagall states. This sounds like trouble. McGonagall took a deep breath then says, " Ok so, we all no harry defeated voldemort recently-"

"Don't tell us he is back!" Harry interrupted.

"No voldemort is gone." Everyone sighed in relief.

" Ok well what can be worse than voldemort? Whatever it is we can handle it. Voldemort Has no descendants so what could the threat be!"

McGonagall bit her lip and her eyebrows turned in." I am afraid you're wrong about that Mr. Potter"

"wait there's a threat worse than voldemort?" Ron asks.

"No", I but in, " Voldemort has a descendant."

" I am afraid Miss. Granger is right, He had a daughter her name is Sally Jackson" McGonagall stated grimly

" Sally Jackson? She was in my year. A Hufflepuff." Lupin said.

Harry who was frozen from shock mumbled " How.... He killed my family but still had one of his own... HE KILLED MY FAMILY!" He shouted the last bit his face unnaturally pale. Then he went back to his shocked state mumbling things I could not make out.

" I am afraid so. He murdered his wife for his first horcrux. But Sally has a son he doesn't know about his wizard ancestry we will bring him to hogwarts so he doesnt turn to evil."

There was an awkward silence.

"Tonight at 10 Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and I will apparate to his apartment in long island new york."

Hi. I have never written anything on wattpad this is soooo fun!! Well i hope you like it. If you have anything to say like what house i should put percy in put it in the comments. I think the trio will stick together. Bold = me acrylics= thoughts

Percy Jackson meets harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now