Part 1 [Etited]

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Today was a big day, why you ask? Well it is because the destroyer of The Multiverse has been caught, and will be judged for his crimes.

Ink's POV
We finally caught Error! Everyone is smiling and celebrating, well except Error of course. All a clever plan made by me! I called almost all sans' to hold him down with blue magic, Sci said it would implode his SOUL though, I was worried about that... but he is strong, and he isn't dead! So now he can finally he punished for his crimes against the Multiverse!

No ones POV
Error was immediately cuffed and brought to a court room, the judges above him intimidatingly glaring at him, he did not make a single move, he just kept a straight face and an angry glint in his eyes. Almost everyone was on Ink's side, all ready to support him, the only ones on his side were the gang, Horror, Cross, Killer, Nightmare, dust, Blue and the Chara's, the didn't think they would risk getting captured for just him, but they did, and Blue was able to use his 'innocent' facade to make his Papyrus think that it just was for his beliefs. Core Frisk walked up to Error, putting a microphone down. "We are going to ask you some questions. You need to promise you will tell the truth and nothing but the truth." Error look up at Core Frisk in the eyes and opened his mouth to speak, he said words no one thought the destroyer would ever say. "I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth." Core only nodded. " What is your full name?" "Error." we're do you live?" "Anti-void." Did you take swap sans From his AU?"
"Yes." "Did you cause him harm?" "No." "Why did you take him?" "I guess I got lonely? I don't know that was back in my insanity days..." Core looked confused. "What do you mean by "insanity days"?" Error looked at Crore with a bored expression. "Back wen I was insane, it's pretty self explanatory." Core looked worried. "Do you know what caused your insanity?" Error nodded. "Yes actually, just imagine this, you've been sitting in this place that's completely devoid of color all except white for about 11 years, and voices screaming screaming at you to either do your job, that you didn't know you had or telling you to kill yourself, you have no food or water and no knowledge of how to escape till on of the voices slip up, then you think your home only to release your not, then feel your eyes burning as if they were set on fire, then kill an entire AU by accident, I'm pretty sure that did it." He looks around the room after his rant, all eyes were wide and filled with worry but why? The gang Worrying was expected but the others, they never cared for him, so why now? Core Frisk cleared They're throat. "Why do you destroy AUs?" Error looked surprised but quickly answered. "I don't know or remember, but I know those voices were there for a reason, maybe to keep me in line, but then who would want me to destroy? Why would anyone make me? All I know is that I have a purpose I never wanted, no matter who hard I try to not destroy I always come back to destroying, and I know I'm not doing it purposely. Because every AU that is created, I feel pain, and if I don't destroy it, it just gets worse." Core then burst out with a hard to answer question. "Do you remember anything from your past? Like parents, friends, siblings, or just anything in general?" Error haft shook his head before he shot up. "Yes!'s only the name of an AU." Core looked hopeful. "What is the name of the AU?" "Labtale." Ink stood up and opened a portal. "Well let's go check it out!" A few Sans' moved Error with blue magic. Then they entered the portal, but on the other side of the portal was a hallway dimly lit leading to a cafeteria like place. It was a lab. "This seems like a complex lab lay out, but I think I might be able to navigate it with the similarities to the lab in my UA." Said Sic and the Sans' that went with Ink besides Sic were the Nightmare gang ,Red, (yes I'm changing his name) Blue, Classic, Dream, and Core Frisk nodded. The halls were dark and winding, some leading to sells or rooms with experimentation purposes. Then there was a big run down room, the only one with a door that didn't decay over time, why did Error remember this place? "Wait, why didn't you lead the way? You made the place!" Said Red pointing at Ink. "Well actually I don't remember this AU at all! Weird right?" "Not really, you forgot everything in 0.02 seconds." Nightmare snickered at Error's statement. "LETS JUST GO OPEN THE DOOR!" Ink shouted in rage, his eye lights turning red. "I'll do it!" Blue opening the door said, Dream drew his bow ready attack anything meaning to harm his friends. There was only a box with a electronic cube, the box said 'memory tapes' as soon as Sic read that he went pale. "Is something wrong?" Asked Dust curious of the box. "Memory tapes are a way to store memories as tapes, but it would wipe the persons, or monsters memory of that event! So they were band but somehow someone got them and might have wiped someone of their memories!" Sic slightly yelled in worry. "And the cube?" Horror questioned. " something used to play the tapes." Core frisk went to open the box in the commotion. A gasp of shock came from her. "What happened!?" Ink asked. "The t-tapes... there of me and Error!" They immediately took the box and rushed out of a portal that Ink made into the court room. After Sic explained the memory tapes, everyone got comfortable and Sic stared up the cube shaped mechanism. Hell some even asked for popcorn as if this was a movie theater, but for the time being I guess it was, even some papyrus and others like Undeyns and Toriels came to view the forgotten past of Error the destroyer. "Everyone ready?" Asked Classic and Ink, all nodded. "Ok let's begin!" Then the Machine started up and a four huge screens appear taking on the form of a square so everybody could see the sun beginning past of the destroyer.

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