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Elli's POV

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Elli's POV

Julie is grounded.

I think this is going to be a problem. How are they supposed to perform without her? I've spend enough time with Luke and Alex to know that they can't be seen without her. Obviously. They're ghosts. And for some still unknown reason Julie can make them visible while they're performing.

I'm going to be totally honest here. I still don't understand how any of this is possible. Neither do they. Trust me I asked Luke and Alex.

Apparently, Julie didn't show up to school for her first three classes. That's not really the problem though. She lied to Dad about it. She said she overslept, which she did, but she also told him that nothing important was going on in those classes. That's the lie. She missed a math test. I think.

I am extremely sorry for them. I know how much this means to them. Especially after their little break or whatever you want to call it.

I don't think you can really call it a break considering it only lasted for a short amount of time. And as we all know breaks always end up being longer than anticipated. Whether it's taking a break while doing schoolwork.

Or One Direction.

Yeah... I'm still sad about that one.

My entire day was leading up to their performance. Not to sound selfish or anything. I was just really excited to see their performance. I hope they'll be able to perform another time.

I decide to watch the livestream anyways because like I said I was planning to see their performance, which means that now I do not have anything else to do.

A bit of time passes and I've seen some performances. I can see why the music and performance industry is this popular. There were all very good. Okay... Very is an understatement. Maybe someday, after I get enough courage to show people my songs, I can be a songwriter. Like an actual professional one.

Next, they call up "Dirty Candy". Wait. Dirty Candy as in Carrie and her group? How did they get on the list? Who am I kidding? Her father probably felt guilty for not being there for her again.

Sometimes I just want to give Carrie a nice, warm, and long-lasting hug. I don't think she gets those very often. And everyone deserves to experience love.

Whether it's people you like, people you treat with respect or people you don't like. Every single one deserves love and happiness. No exceptions.

Personally, I do not believe in the concept of good or bad. It's all just a question of perspective. As Hope Mikaelson said in Legacies, "When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain, good and evil, a saviour and a lost cause. But what if the only real difference is just who's telling the story."

She's right. Or her character's writers. It just depends on who is telling the story.

People should not judge people if they do not know their story. You can never know what someone is really going through, how many walls they've put up, how much it takes for them to keep up their facade.

Next thing I know I think my eyes are deceiving me. Is that Alex? I thought they would not be there considering they're performing. As becoming obvious, I was wrong. I guess the boys just want to enjoy the feeling of people performing. I guess they have nothing better to do either.

I can't believe Alex is dancing with them. It's awesome, cute, and even kind of funny.

"You show them bestie" I yell out and also begin to dance to the music.

I don't quite get how I'm able to see him when we're not even in the same room and it's filmed by a camera. After all I couldn't see them in the pictures my Dad took. Maybe that has something to do with it being live and a video and not just a motionless picture. Who knows? I decide to not question it any further.

For a bit Alex disappears but then shows up again. I had no idea Alex could dance this well. He's amazing.

I wonder what Willie would think of it. King shit.

After Carrie's performance I thought the night of performances is over, but again I turn out to be wrong.

Another group gets called on stage. They're called "Julie and the fat ones". Wait a minute. Julie and the what? Is Julie performing? And why did the man on stage just call the Julie and the fat ones? I thought it was Julie and the phantoms...

Did she sneak out? For her sake I hope Dad doesn't find out. He would be totally pissed. What if he sees it on the Internet? This could get really messy.

"Actually it's Julie and the phantoms" Julie says after sitting down by the keyboard. No one answers her. "Okay..." I guess she learned that from Alex. Turns out he uses that word quite a lot.

She starts playing a really nice melody.

As they guys poof in, tía comes inside my room. "Elli? Do you know where Julie is? She's supposed to stay in her room and study to retake her calculus test. If she's with you, I'm sorry but she is going to have to go back to her room.

Before I can say anything, she looks at my computer screen. "Is that Julie? Did you know about this? Have you two been lying to me?"

Again, I want to say something but the cuts me off "This" She points to the floor "This is going to have consequences. For both of you! I'm going to call your father! He's not going to be happy about this!"


With that she is out of my door. I look back at the screen and see Reggie. He looks good. He isn't wearing his leather jacket or his flannel. Well his flannel is tied around his waist.

What I would give to get to wear something of his...

Stop. Ellie. Focus.

Is there any way I can help them? I can't stop tía that's for sure. There is no point in even trying. I'm useless. There's literally nothing I can do. I've never felt this useless before. Things are probably going to get really messy once Dad gets there.

Maybe I can cheer them up? Somehow...

The boys are likely to get here earlier than Julie.

I think I know a way to cheer them up. I don't know if it is going to work on Luke and Alex, but it is definitely going to work with Reggie. Luke and Alex already know about me, so I don't get that factor with them. Luke does want to prank Reggie though and Alex likes teasing him, so maybe I can get a smile out of them.

I just got to wait for them to get here.




So I don't have to go to school next week. Just kind of. Some classes are going to be via video conferences again. But as far as I know whether all classes are going to get them.

Maybe I'll have more time to write.

We'll see.

Also I wanted to thank everyone who is reading this book for 1k reads. For some people this may not seem like a lot but for me this is everything.

I thought maybe only 10 people would read my book.

This is making me incredibly happy.

I also find it quite funny that it happened exactly one month after I published the very first chapter.


See you guys soon!

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