I heard girls whispering about jingle jangle on the way out, I tried to stay close to them. I followed them into the girls bathroom, and went into the stall and sat down. They were other girls in here but I was paying attention to these two girls conversation.

"R has the hook-up, just got a new batch and will be at the party after the game Friday. 3 honeys, 6 pots." One of the girls said, keeping her voice low. What does that mean?

"So half&half?" The other girl said, I tried to looks between the crack of the door, she was fixing her mascara.

"Yeah, it's Dopey that makes Happy." The first girl said, I was trying to remember their faces, both brown hair and brown eyes, one a slight taller than the other. I think they're talking in code, snow white? I texted Victor real quick to get a picture of these girls on the way out of the restroom, I told him which restroom. I hope I got it right based off the art class was just a couple door down.

The other girl said okay, and for them to get going. I opened the door and washed my hands real quick, feels ugly just being in here. Wonder if the teachers laboratories are a lot cleaner. It's lunch time and the halls are packed, everyone heading towards the cafeteria.

I saw Gabriel waiting down the hall, he spotted me. I nodded to him I'm fine. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and checked.

Gabriel: meet us behind the gym.

I followed him from afar, this side of the school was deserted. Just a few students hanging out along the building eating their lunch and talking. It took a few minutes but I made it around the corner where I came to the back of the gym building, this must be where the girls were taken. Did they find something?

There was an exit door at the corner and Nathan waved me in. "Hey Peanut" he whispered as I walked in and he shut the door behind me. Gabriel and Silas was waiting with Sean and Axel talking low between themselves. My heart pounded in my chest I thought my ribcage was going to crack. They seemed to always look some handsome and drool worthy, the're clothes didn't hide the muscles underneath. I gave them a smile before they realize I was checking them out. Chill out Sang.

"Aggele Mou"
They all said at once when they saw me.

"Hi guys. So what's going on?" I asked, they looked relieved in a sort.

"North, Luke and Brandon got eyes on the girls. One looks in bad shape. There are 2 guards that watch them non-stop. We think it's the 2 guys that helped the guy with the white mask. They're keeping their faces covered, so we still can't identify them. They guys weren't able to rescue yet, but they are still there watching for any other movements. No eyes on the masked guy yet." Axel informed me, that was good. We can get these girls out tonight. Hopefully.

"Anything else?"

"Victor got pictures of those girls from the bathroom, Stacey and Katy, both juniors." Nathan replied.

I looked toward my 3 classmates, "did you guys hear anything this morning in classes?"

"Just about the game Friday and a party," Silas answered and the others nodded. I looked toward our teachers and they shook there heads no. I raised my brows a little, I'm missing something. They both looked at each other, but Sean was the one that spoke.

"All we hear are is how hot we look and if we would even dare hook up with one of them. And how much money they could make if they took pictures of us for fireman calendars." He sighed, him and Axel both looked annoyed. Aww, if I wasn't me and really back in school, I probably would be there right along with them. I'm pathetic, but hot damn!

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