t h r e e

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A/n: hey everyone! I feel like it's been a while since I've actually said anything so I just wanted to give you all a few updates

•I am back in school so I probably won't be updating as much but i will still try to update daily.

•I promise this will get more interesting soon. I am writing chapters and all that <3

Luv you all! So without further ado.... chapter 3

"I can't believe you would even say that to me!" Lea shouts at her brother. Sophia rolls her eyes at her children. Zach sees that and lets out a small laugh. Raj looks down at his plate, uninterested in his siblings argument.

"I didn't say it about you. Just to you."
"Lies." Lea hisses at Lorenzo. He sighs.
"Not lies. I'm serious Lea." Sophia is the one who sighs this time. She stands up and shoots a glare at Lorenzo.

"Lea doesn't need to get married. She doesn't need someone to protect her. She's perfectly capable." Sophia says. Lea gratefully nods her head at Sophia.
"Exactly." Lea shouts to Lorenzo.

"Whatever. I can't believe you took her side mum." He says with a hurt look.
"You should know better than to mess with the women in this family Enzo." Zach says laughing. "I thought I taught you better than that." Lorenzo glares.

"What do you think Raj?" Asks Lea, snapping him out of his daydream. He looks up at them all quickly. He sighs.
"I don't know." He says quietly.
"What are you thinking about?" Sophia asks him. She's concerned. He shrugs.

"More like, I'm trying not to think." He explains to her. She nods knowingly.
"You can go upstairs if you would like." He smiles gratefully at him mother and walks out of the room quickly. She sighs lightly and looks back to her food.

"What was that about?" Zach whispers. Sophia taps her head and inhales. Zach's eyes widen and he nods. Voices. Raj had inherited those from his mother. The tendencies to see things that weren't there. The tendency to hear things in their head. Maybe that was why they were closer than the rest.

Schizoaffective disorder. That's what the doctor had called it. They had read books from the past. They'd diagnosed it. There's was nothing they could do to help with anything. There wasn't any medications that they had that could help. It was a shame really. Sophia knew how hard it was to go through that. She didn't want Raj to feel that.

But he did.


"Everyone please settle down." Sophia yells out to the crowd. Slowly, the mummers start to die down. She looks out to them fiercely. Like always.
"I know you all have heard thing. Rumors. And I know that you think I can confirm or deny these rumors."

"I can. But first you need to understand a few things. I will avoid war as much as possible. I do not want another war. Not when we're finally at peace here." She pauses and looks out at them. "The rumors are true." She says. Everyone starts talking, whispering, yelling.

"But!" Everyone turns back to her. "Even though King Cameron threatens my rule, he will not get the satisfaction of thinking he's one. He has not one." Everyone nods in agreement. "I've also gathered you here today to announce something. Something big." She sighs.

"I am naming my son Lorenzo Rally to be the heir of the throne." Everyone starts talking at once. The roar of sound rumbles everywhere in the great hall. Lorenzo stiffens at the announcement. All his siblings turn to him slowly. It was news to all of them.

Lorenzo meets Zaya's eyes in the crowd. She frowns slightly. He exhales. "Settle down please." Sophia shouts. "I am still your queen. I will not be handing down my throne or my crown any time soon. If something were to happen to me... Lorenzo would be your new king. I hope you would show him the same respect and the same kindness as you have shown me."

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