"Let the dancing begin!" Caspian and I said together. The Narnian music, dancing, feast and chatter began.

"May I have this dance?" Caspian asked, holding out his hand.

I nodded and laughed, hoping tonight would take my mind off Edmund and Lucy. I took his hand and we walked back to ground level.

"You look beautiful." Caspian smiled, bowing to me.

"Well I hate to admit it but you look rather dashing yourself." I curtsied.

Caspian grinned and placed a hand in mine and the other on my waist. I put my other hand on his shoulder.


Caspian's POV

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Alex squealed, running around the garden like a little kid.

"Alex!" I laughed, trying to catch up to her.

Her hands held her dress above her ankles and she was now barefoot. "Caspian, you're trying to tickle me." She slurred. I shouldn't have let her drink as much as she did.

"I'm not!" I answered in defence, holding up my hands.

She crossed her arms and pouted. "Then why are you chasing me."

I grinned and leapt forwards, taking the opportunity to grab her. My arms wrapped around her back and legs, and I hoisted her up, carrying her bridal style.

"Caspian!" She squealed again.

"I was chasing you because you're drunk and need to sleep. It's four in the morning."

"I...am not drunk." She tried to squirm out of my arms, but I held onto her and walked towards the castle.

"Oh really."

Alex tapped her chin. "I had only..." She stopped and giggled. "A tiny, tiny bit!" She opened her arms wide to show much she had drank.

"And you're saying your not drunk?" I raised my eyebrow and chuckled.


I laughed. We had reached the castle now. I adjusted her weight to one arm so I could put a finger to my lips. "We have to be quiet."

She nodded, her eyes widening and put a finger to her lips, copying me. It was rather cute.

"Do you think you can walk by yourself?"

Alex nodded and I gently put her on the ground which was a bad idea as she crumbled to the ground and erupted in a fit of giggles. "Caspian, you silly billy! Now I'm on the ground."

I rolled my eyes, secretly dying of laughter inside. "Come on." I put her arm around my shoulders and supported Alex to her chamber.

"You're too nice Caspy."

"Not that name again." I groaned quietly. The castle was dark as the ball had finished and everyone had gone to left or gone to bed. We reached her chamber and I sat her on her bed.

"Can you change by yourself?"

Alex nodded, her giggly side had quietened down thankfully. "Don't look." She whispered. I nodded and turned to face a wall. I wasn't going to leave her just yet, in case she ran into anymore trouble.



"I'm stuck." She giggled.

"Can I look?"

"No!" She exclaimed.

"Do you need my help?"


"Alex, how?"

"Close your eyes. The dress is stuck on my corset!" Alex slurred.

I closed my eyes and turned around. I slowly walked, my arms outstretched until my hands reached her bare skin.

"You're hands are cold." She mumbled. I could basically hear her pouting.

I chuckled. "Sorry." I peaked through my eyelashes and could see her dress was half way pulled over her head and was stuck on the corset. I reached out and untangled it. "There."

Alex giggled and struggled to pull the dress further. She was so drunk. "Caspian! Help!" She exclaimed.

I opened my eyes fully. I gently guided the dress over her head. She had her eyes closed, and was breathing slowly.


"I'm still awake." She opened her eyes and stared up at me, giving me a slight smile. And then suddenly her lips were on mine, before I knew what was happening, her hands were in my hair and she was pulling me closer. I started to kiss back and close my eyes. No. I couldn't. I shouldn't. Alex was drunk and heartbroken. I couldn't take advantage of that. And Edmund was my best mate. I might have loved her like this once before, but I have pushed that feeling out of the way; I didn't need to reopen that drawer. I pulled away quickly.

"Alex, you're drunk. You don't know what you're doing."

"Caspian. Don't be a spoil sport! If I want to kiss you I will." She snapped, crossing her arms and trying to pull me closer again.

I shook my head and gently let her hair out of the tight bun. Her nightgown was laying on her bed. I picked it up and handed it to her. "Think you can do the rest?"

Alex nodded. I could see her eyes brimming with tears.

"Hey?" I tilted her chin up and kissed her forehead. "There's no need to cry."

She bit her trembling lip and quickly wiped the tears away before getting up and walking behind the dressing screen with her nightgown. I sat on her bed and waited. There were a few sniffs heard. Alex appeared a few minutes later in her nightgown. Her eyelids about to close. I pulled back the duvet for her and she climbed in.

"Goodnight beautiful." I whispered and tucked her in. She remained silent and turned her back to me. I sighed and kissed her forehead before blowing out the candle and walking to the door.

"Caspian?" Her voiced asked timidly.


"Stay? I don't want to be alone tonight." She whispered.

I nodded, even though she couldn't see it in the dark. I took off my boots, formal tunic, and belt, leaving me in my pants and undershirt. I climbed into her bed and immediately Alex was cuddling into me. Soft cries escaped her lips.

"Shhh." I whispered and gently stroking her back.

"Thank you." She answered and her cries slowly ceased and her breathing calmed. My eyelids closed and I was embraced into the darkness.

New chapter! I hope you all liked it. Just a friendly reminder to comment and vote!!!!!

Thanks so much for all the reads!!

H x

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