1982 : New Year

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~Your P.O.V~
Happy new year! I guess I'm in 1982 now... I've set my phone's calendar to match the dates in this time. At least it has some use now. Ryuichi-sensei asked me to play a new year themed song so I played Aud Lang Syne since it was the only song that came up to my head. While I was playing, Akiko-san joined in and the song became more lively. I really appreciated it.

Few days later, Ryuichi-sensei was called to attend a TV show with the other members of Yellow Magic Orchestra. He told me to come along to "gain more experience" sensei said. I don't mind with it but why do I feel like he said it in a sarcastic tone? I didn't think about it much and went with it. But the only thought was I'm going to meet the rest of the band! In person! And also in their prime!

Ryuichi-sensei wore a full suit while I wore something that was at least polite and comfy. I asked why he had to wear it and he told me it was the dress code. I remembered the ticket in my jacket and I put it in my bag with my phone before we go. We drove to the building and we went backstage for briefing. The show will start in a few hours.

We entered the briefing room and there were people in there, among them were sensei's bandmates. "Sakamoto-san! You made it." Said one of them. 'Am I still dreaming?' the question kept running on my mind. "This is (y/n)-chan. She is my assistant." I snapped back when sensei introduced me. "I-it's nice to meet you!" I bowed. "I'm Ryuichi-sensei's assistant.". "Sensei?" the man with the moustache asked. "Y-yes. I'm also his student." I clarified. "Good for you, kid." He smiled.

"They're my bandmates, Haruomi Hosono-san and Yukihiro Takahashi." Sensei introduced them. I reached my bag for the ticket and I compared them with the photo printed in it. 'Looks like age caught up to Hosono-san first. He looked completely different in the future.' I thought to myself. "What do you got there, (y/n)-chan?" asked Hosono-san. I put it back in my bag and shrugged him off, "I-it's nothing important." I let out an awkward chuckle.

The TV host called the three man and gave them a script. I couldn't really hear the briefing but I heard that the three of them have to keep a straight face for the entire segment. I have a feeling that they won't hold it less than five minutes. The briefing is finished and they sat in front of the dressing mirror for light touch-ups and get their hair done.

I sat on the couch while watching everyone in the room. I could pass the time with my phone but they would get suspicious of me. Feeling awkward, I stood up and walked to sensei. He was reading the script while the hairdresser was working. "What is the segment about, sensei?" I asked. He showed me the script and explained the things they will do. I read mostly impressions and some of them require props. "What's this? Slap?" I pointed to a word after Takahashi-san's part.

"Both of them have to slap me whenever my turn is finished." Takahashi-san explained. I had to hold back my laughter after Takahashi-san's defeated tone. He noticed my effort, "I'm sorry. It was too funny to imagine." I chuckled in between the apology. He sighed, "I can't blame you for that..." the first preparations were done and the three man went to rehearse the segment.

They were discussing back and forth while practicing the lines and movements. They asked me to be their practice audience and I was surprised at first but I agreed. I watched while they do their parts although they were still reading from the script. The first turn was Ryuichi-sensei's and when he showed his tounge, I nearly died from laughter. Hosono-san and Takahashi-san also lost their cool and started laughing too. "You're killing me, sensei." I reacted with laughs in between. "It's what I have to do in here!"

"Okay, okay..." I finally calmed down and exhaled. "I'm prepared now." I firmly stated and we're back on square one. They managed to keep a straight face and I let out some chuckles during the rehearsal. "How did we do?" Takahashi-san asked. "You did great!" I happily answered. "But I have a feeling that one of you will break character." I added. Hosono-san shot a stare to Ryuichi-sensei. "What?" I giggled at the response. They're really funny together.

One of the staff called them to get ready and we went to the side entrance of the stage. "You can watch in the room if you like.". "It's alright. I can watch from here." I declined. The lights went dark and there was an announcer's voice introducing the band and improvised the acronym of YMO. The three of them ran to the stage and the audience excitedly screamed. The lights lit up when they ran in and I saw the audience were mostly girls. They were screaming sensei's and Takahashi-san's names. "Give some love to Hosono-san, would ya?" I giggled.

They introduced themselves and bowed to one another, signaling their turns. As rehearsed, Ryuichi-sensei was the first to start. Turns out he had to put on a lipstick first. The audience was surprised when the tounge came out. Next turn was Takahashi-san's. I remembered he had to make a "cool face". It gave more of a funny vibe than cool. After that, Hosono-san and sensei slapped Takahashi-san. I was surprised and so were the audience. Sensei slapped with bit of a force than Hosono-san.

Hosono-san did an impression with a funny voice. The order was Ryuichi-sensei, Takahashi-san then Hosono-san. They did a lot of impressions with props, pacing back and forth or just in place with a weird face, weird noises or voices, even mimic how girls talk to each other. Takahashi-san got a smack when sensei did how girls chat thing. I check the time when I noticed sensei broke character on Takahashi-san's turn. "Yep. Less than five minutes..." Takahashi-san got another slap but I think sensei's slap was more of a 'Quit being an idiot' slap. I heard one of the audience screamed Hosono-san's name when his turn is up.

"If they were to do a Try Not to Laugh Challenge, sensei would've lost first. He keeps cracking up!" I said to myself. We reached to the end of the segment and according to the script, they have to do an impression of each other. Ryuichi-sensei was to mimic Takahashi-san's face shape. He put in pads in his cheeks and put on a fake moustache. He asked the other two to help stretch his face since Takahashi-san's face is square shaped. "可愛い?可愛い." (Kawaii? Kawaii) said Takahashi-san to the audience and the audience laughed. They bowed and it was Takahashi-san's turn again. Sensei took out the pads but decided to keep on the moustache.

Takahashi-san was to mimic Hosono-san's voice and how he talks. His impression was more of a slur. Sensei gave him a slap but Hosono-san instead smack the back of Takahashi-san's head. Then Hosono-san's turn was to mimic Ryuichi-sensei's stage face which he claimed "cute". I watched from a monitor at the far back of the studio and sensei gave a 'You think you can do it?' face. I watched the effort and honestly, it was pretty accurate. Sensei was definitely surprised and gave a 'Do I really look like that?' face. I barely hold my laughter during the last part.

They gave a last bow and ran off stage while the light dimmed followed by an applause. "You three were really funny back there!" I gave my appreciation. "We did?". "That means we did great!" said Hosono-san after Takahashi-san. "You were right, (y/n)-chan... Sakamoto-san did break character." Takahashi-san chuckled. "My slap there gave you a clear message.". "But you don't have to be that hard." I think I saw Takahashi-san pouting. I laughed it off and comically told sensei to wash off the lipstick.

"Be right back!" said sensei and he went to the restroom. We waited back in the briefing room and both Takahashi-san and Hosono-san were packing their things. I grabbed my bag and opened it to check if everything's still intact. I sighed in relieve and closed it back. Ryuichi-sensei came back from the restroom and his face is half wet and parts of his hair. My heart was beating hundred miles per minute. 'Why does he look so hot?' my brain is in the same page with my heart. He dried off his face and fix his hair.

"(y/n)-chan? (y/n)-chan..." Takahashi-san's hand snapped me back. "H-huh?". "Are you alright?" he asked. "I-I'm fine. I spaced out a bit." I answered. "Today was fun." I smiled. "And it was a great honor to meet you Hosono-san, Takahashi-san." I added. "I can say the same for both of us and thank you for your help." Said Hosono-san. "I only watched you guys. I didn't do much...". "It would be nice to see you again in the recording studio some time." I giggled and told him it depends on Ryuichi-sensei if he wants me to tag along. We finished our conversation and went to do our separate schedules of the day.

A.N : Happy new year, guys! Did y'all have fireworks? No? I only listen to the song called Firecrackers from YMO. It's really catchy. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and hope 2021 will be better. I'll see you guys in the next chapter! RD out!! Boi!!!

P.S : The vid I put is the plot for the chapter. It says in the 80's but I don't know when exactly and I don't know if it's around new year or not.

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