1982 : The Wedding

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(Some time after the Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence shoot)

~Your P.O.V~
"Will you marry me?". "Yes!" I woke up from another nightmare. I covered my face with my hand and sighed, "Why do I always have these nightmares?" I got up and went to the kitchen. "おは--" (Oha-- : good mor--) just as I was going to greet, Akiko-san was busy preparing something with what I guess, her friends. "Is there a special occasion today?" I innocently asked.

"Oh! Good morning, (y/n)-chan!" Akiko-san managed to stop and greet me. I repeated my question and she said she's preparing for the wedding. "Today is my wedding day!" she clarified. I can feel my heart clenched from her words. "O-oh... Congratulations." I forced a smile. "Thank you. But you have to save it until the end of the day. Can you lend me a hand, please?". "S-sure." I guess giving an extra hand with the event can take my mind off. Or not...

"It looks like you have everything under control, Akiko-san. Are you sure you need my help?". "Of course I do! I need you to make sure that everything's under control." She threw back my question as an answer. She then gave me the list for the event and boy, what a long list. "How about sensei?" I managed to let out the question. "He has his own crew to help out and I'm sure he's doing fine." Akiko-san reassured me. I silently sighed, "Alright. Let's see here..."

I grabbed a pen and starts mentioning the items from the list. "Done!" I ticked next to the item's name every time Akiko-san gave me the cue. There are some items we skipped. Akiko-san told me that the skipped ones are for when we will check in the reception hall. I checked on Miu-san and I took care of her morning routine first before I can continue with the preparation.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before we went to the reception hall. "How will it go?" I asked Akiko-san. "The ceremony will use the Christian tradition while the wardrobe will be in the Shinto tradition." She explained. "But why didn't you held the ceremony in a church?" I asked again but Akiko-san couldn't give me a straight answer. "It's complicated." That was all that she can say.

We arrived at the reserved building and went in to the reception hall. "Wait! Did you bring the list with you?" asked Akiko-san in a panic. "I have it with me." I pulled the list from my pocket along with the pen. "You dropped this." Said Akiko-san, handing me the ticket. I quickly snatched it from her hand before she noticed what the ticket was for. "S-sorry..." I apologized. She shrugged it off and we checked the hall.

"All the itineraries are good. How about the guests?" I asked. "The invitations are already handed out few days before." Akiko-san answered. "How about the dress code?". "We'll wear the traditional outfit." She reminded me. "That means you'll wear a kimono along with the bridesmaids and Ryuichi-sensei will wear a haori and hakama along with his best men!" I gave my theory and she nodded. "You two are going to look awesome!" she giggled and asked, "How about yourself, (y/n)-chan?"

"W-well... I don't know which side I should choose so--". "You're in both of course!" she cut me off with a smile. "Are you sure that I can wear both?" I was unsure. "Sure you can!" as always, her smile never fades. I guess I'll wear a hakama then... "Oh! Can you go back to do another double check, (y/n)-chan? It's almost time and we need to move the things to the hall." She requested and I nodded.

I hopped on a cab and drove back to the house. When I got in, I was immediately called. "Coming, coming." I quickly helped take out the necessary items and checked them one by one. "Dress? Rings?". "Check!" I nodded in satisfaction then the telephone rang, made me jump. I quickly picked up the phone, "Sakamoto house, this is (y/n) speaking.". (y/n)-chan?" it was sensei's voice from the other end.

"Yes, sensei?". "Can you come to the studio, please? I need you for something." Said sensei. My chest felt slightly tight and my mind started running all over the place. "Are you there, (y/n)-chan?" his voice snapped me back. "Y-yes! I'll be there! I just need to pick something up first." I answered. "Alright. Don't take too long. Bye.". "Bye." He hung up.

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