1985 : Brief Reunion

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~Your P.O.V~
"Wake up, (y/n)-chan! You don't want to be late!". "Wagh!!" I swung my pillow from the surprise wake up and I realized I smacked sensei. "Sensei! I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized. "At least you're awake now. But please, don't hit me like that again." I countered him not to wake me up like that again. "Alright, fair enough..." he chuckled and we got out my room.

I went to the bathroom to do a quick wash before I went to the dining room for breakfast. I looked at my wrist and I can see the faint mark from what I did two years ago. "You'll be home soon, (y/n)" I said to myself in the mirror. "I'm really going to miss them when I got back." I sadly smiled. I shook my head and lightly slapped my face to gather myself back then went to the dining room. "Good morning, (y/n)-chan!" Akko-san happily greeted me. "Morning, Akko-san!" I greeted her back and we had breakfast.

"You're oddly excited today, sensei. Is there a special occasion?" I half teased. "Don't you remember? It's the All Together Now concert." Ryuichi-sensei reminded me. "Is it today? I heard Happy End is participating there too." Akko-san added. Happy End? Why is that sound familiar? "Happy End? I feel like I've heard that name before..." sensei then told me about the song we played when I asked Hosono-san to sing. "Oh, that! Yes, I remember!" I nodded. "I thought you and Hosono-san sometimes... aren't compatible." I tried to find the words.

"I know. I'm being excited so you won't forget." I just got up and sensei already teasing me. We finished breakfast and I changed my clothes. I wore a collared tee under my hoodie with my jeans. I wore the only sneakers I've been wearing most of the time and sensei and I went to the concert. Before we went to the Dome, we bought take-outs for lunch. We arrived and when we were going to buy the tickets, we were given passes. Apparently, Hosono-san put us in the VIP list.

Ryuichi-sensei and I went in and the place was half full and while we wait, we had an early lunch and the place was slowly filled with people. When I saw the stage, it was rather small. Like the entirety of it is about half of the field and the stage is about a quarter smaller. The announcer came up the stage and opened the concert. The announcer introduced and the first few bands walked in and started playing. Sadly, I had no idea who they are. I'll just enjoy the concert as best as I can.

As the song passed, so does the day and it was Happy End's turn. I saw four men with a woman walking to the stage and one of the men wore shades while the other two was wearing cowboy hats. "There's Hosono-san!" I pointed at the familiar black hat cowboy. Each member went up to the stage and went to their instruments. The crowd clapped and cheered when the band was ready to perform. "はっぴえんどです" (Happy End desu : We are Happy End) The main guitarist introduced after a fill was played then followed by the drums before the rest joined in.

The guitarist sang and I asked sensei what the title was. "I believe it's called 12月の雨の日." (Juuni-gatsu no ame no hi) Said sensei. 'December's Rainy Day'? Interesting name and I found my head slightly bopping with the music and the other cowboy have slick licks also the drummer was swag. The song ended and there was an interval. "It's Kaze wo Atsumete!" I looked at sensei when I recognized the tune and Hosono-san started singing. I also sang along to the song. It brings back memories when the four of us played this back in the studio.

"Yeah! Hosono-san!" I cheered and the song went to another interval then the other cowboy sang the next song. I asked sensei again if he knows the song's name and he said the title is 花いちもんめ (Hanaichimonme). I still can't get over how swag the drummer is. The song ended and the announcer came to the stage and introduced the members. The first was Hosono-san, which I already know then the classic guitarist was Eiichi Ohtaki-san while the electric guitar cowboy is Shigeru Suzuki-san and the drummer is Takashi Matsumoto-san.

"Takashi Matsumoto? Did he...?" I tried to remember something. "Did he write the lyrics for the Kimini Mune Kyun?" I asked sensei and he said yes. I knew it! Happy End then played the last song, Sayonara America, Sayonara Nippon. The song didn't have much words in it, only what the titles said and bye-byes but I like the melody. Kinda disappointed that Hosono-san didn't sing along, only Ohtaki-san and Suzuki-san.

Then there were other voices singing the song and it was the small choir in the back, next to the equipment. The song ended and so did the concert. Everyone clapped and cheered and left the Dome while sensei and I went backstage to meet up with Happy End. Good thing we have the pass and today has been a very surprising day. "Sakamoto! (y/n)-chan!" Hosono-san greeted us when we came.

"こんばんは細野さん!" (Konbanwa, Hosono-san : Hello, Hosono-san) I happily greeted him back. "It's so nice to see you again.". "It's nice to see you again too." He smiled and introduced me to the band. "This is (y/n)-chan. She is Sakamoto's assistant and she was a great help back in my YMO days.". "It's an honor to meet you." I bowed. Each member then introduced themselves again. "Did you enjoy the concert, (y/n)-chan?" asked Suzuki-san. "It was fun! And you guys were amazing!" I happily answered. "It was nice to be back together again after a long time." Matsumoto-san commented.

I asked what Matsumoto-san said and Ohtaki-san explained that Happy End disbanded at 1973 and the event was their reunion after 12 years being apart. I then asked about the songs they performed and Ohtaki-san answered first, "The first song was from our first Happy End album.". "The song that Hosono-san and I sang were from the Kazemachi Roman album." Suzuki-san chimed in and Matsumoto-san added, "And the last one was from our last Happy End album.". "Then after that album, the four of you disbanded?" I asked.

"You can say it like that. We weren't going to fit anywhere at that time so we split. Also to prevent these two clashing mind." Matsumoto-san explained and put his hands on Hosono-san and Ohtaki-san's shoulder, which the two men chuckled in embarrassment. "That clash does sound familiar." I innocently looked at sensei and he pat my head.

"Matsumoto-san." I called. "Yes?". "Did you write the lyrics for YMO's Kimini Mune Kyun song?" I asked again to make sure. "Yes, I did! Did you enjoy the song?". "It's a really cute song! Both the lyrics and melody." I happily answered and sensei blurted, "At some nights, she snuck in the living room and played the vinyl." I did do that when Naughty Boys first released. "You got me, sensei." I chuckled in embarrassment. "Again, it's a pleasure to meet Happy End.". "The pleasure is ours, (y/n)-chan and thank you for coming." Suzuki-san smiled.

"We'll be on our way now.". "I hope I can see you again soon, Hosono-san!" I smiled after sensei. "I hope the same too." Hosono-san smiled then sensei and I left. "Bye!!" I waved at the band and they waved back. I might want to go to the record shop and try to find post Happy End works or maybe find Happy End's own albums. 'What was the genre again? Was it city pop?' I might want to take a listen too.

A.N : Hey, guys! I'm back with Async! I think I'm only writing this one extra chapter for the book and yes, it's about Happy End again. I'm actually trying to properly introduce myself to the city pop genre and I feel I'm being a hypocrite XD. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I'll see you in my other works! RD out!! Boi!!!

P.S : The link I put is the segment of the concert. I was into the Kaze wo Atsumete song at that time and wanted to find the live version and I found that vid

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