Rules Post

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To anyone of my readers and followers, please pay attention to the following rules if you wish to have your questions answered. 

The rules are: 

1) First state the name of the person you wish to add, followed by the question and then your username at the end. For example, "Hey Dark, what is your favourite colour? From UltimateReader2004." That easy. 

2) No one is allowed to send any inappropriate requests at all, nor will they be acknowledged. 

3) If you wish to ask a question for all the characters in this book, then state them by, for example, "Hey everyone, what do you all like to do in your free time in the new Deku House? From UltimateReader2004." 

4) You can ask questions, but no spoiling questions until the character book have progressed past the topic. Say if you asked Nero about his thoughts on Yui, that's okay. But say if you asked Voltage if he fought against Nine or Stain, then that question can not be replied to until the Voltage book is at that point or past it. 

5) Each Deku, and person, have their name. They will be written down in the book later on. But please regard them by these name only. Thank you. 

6) If you can't figure out the name of the person you want to ask, then describe their abilities, appearance, which book they come from, or refer them by something close to their name. 

7) If anyone asks questions that aren't in the Question Post, then I will not answer them. I'm serious here people, place your questions in the Question Post if you want them answered. 

8) Besides the no inappropriate questions and the fact that any questions must be posted in the Question Post, let all of your other requests go wild. 

9) Every chapter will have a question along with the name of the Deku (or person) which was asked by you.

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And that is all you have to follow. Please follow all of them, and we can have no problem. Thank you.

After this, are the character bios.

Deku: The canon Deku in the anime. Green messy hair with freckles and just OFA. The cinnamon roll. 

Voltage: The conduit Deku with a lot of powers. Same as the canon Deku with a white-rough scarf, and one unique mouth mask. From the book "Voltage". The mature one. 

Nero: The quiet Deku who mostly has his mask on. Green messy hair, a mask that covers the whole face, and his face slightly scared. His mask is black with green glowing lines, with the lens has a digital screen that expresses his facial emotion. From the book "Broken". The silent one. 

Deadshot: The Quirkless Vigilante Deku. Green messy hair with one green eye and one yellow eye. His face barely has emotion, and he has tiny eyebags. He has one advance backpack that holds his Vigilante outfit and gear. From the book "Deadshot". The badass one. 

Phantom: The forgotten Izuku Yagi. Green messy hair that is nearly black, somewhat dull emerald eyes, and wears his vigilante outfit. From the book "Alone". The determined one. 

Guardian: The Quirkless Hero Deku. Same as the canon Deku, but a bit taller, and has a small unnoticeable scar on his cheek. From the book "3 Siblings". The intelligent one. 

Shadow: Aizawa's son. Black messy hair, red eyes, freckles, eye bags, and the carbon copy of his dad. He has two quirks; Erase, which lets him cancel out emitter quirks, transformation quirks, and weakens mutant quirks, and Cloth Blade, which allows him to manipulate a strand of cloth as a weapon and is often used with his unique capture cloth. The drawback is that he gets dry eye from Erase, and he can only select only one piece of cloth to use with Cloth Blade. He will be getting a book of his own soon. The sleepy one. 

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