Every Deku

18 0 6


Question 3, by @LoganKhusit.

"I have a question for all the Deku's, which one of you would win a battle royal?"


All the Deku's stare at each other as they all shrugged. "Well, forgive us if we misinterpret your question, so we will try to answer the question in both ways," Deku said as all of them nodded.

"If your question is asking us if we can win in an all-out deathmatch battle royal to see who beats who..., that's a hassle to deal with," Shadow said as he sipped on some coffee from his cat mug. "Case is that few of us are already at their maximum point, while some aren't, few don't fight at all, and the rest have yet to show off their potential," Guardian explained as Deadshot continued his explanation.

"It is unfair since Guardian would lose instantly along with me, whereas Voltage would win against Nero, give or take. Since there isn't much information about us, it becomes difficult for us to decide on who would win. For all you know, I could overpower all of these guys, only for Erika to come and slap me in the face and win the whole death battle royal."

As Deadshot finished, Erika deadpans at him, making him shrug. "What? I gave them an example." He argued as Erika shook his head. "A far fetch example," Scarlet says as she rolled her eyes, looking directly at you. "What Deadshot is trying to say is that your answer may require time to figure out what the correct answer is." She explained as Voltage lookup along with Phantom.

"If your question is based around the battle royal games, then Ukuzi would win, undebatable." Voltage says, with Phantom nodding. "I mean, I do play more games than all of you combined," Ukuzi says as Soundwave nods to his proof. "Deadshot, Guardian and Phantom would follow up on him. Nii-san even knows how to win in those claw games, but Ukuzi is just a master in any game. Guardian analyzes everything, making him always have a higher advantage no matter what. And Deadshot is a master with guns, so the game is pretty easy for him to pick up." Phoenix says as Dekiru nods enthusiastically.

"Oi, who gave her a caffeine drink!?" Shadow shouted as all of them look at Dekiru, who was vibrating. "We are sorry for what may happen." Nero apologizes to you as he bows down, with Dekiru jumping up into the air as she giggles insanely. Her energetic eyes stare right into your soul.

"Allow me to give you all a brief rundown of who is great at Battle royal games. As mention, Ukuzi, Deadshot, Phantom and Guardian are excellent at doing this stuff. Afterwards, there is Shadow, Soundwave, Scarlet, Phoenix, and Nero, as all of them are somewhat mediocre at this, with Nero being the worst of them all. The ones who are bad are Yamikumo, Erika, and me, Dekiru. Arsenal, Voltage, Deku, and Ranger are wildcards. They are inconsistent with their performance, as, for example, they might get you a win straight away, get more kills than anyone in the game, die early, or lose in second place against the dumbest player ever."

Dekiru stopped her entire brief report, panting for some needed air before she collapses on the couch between Voltage and Scarlet. "Keep everyone ounce of energy drink away from her at all cost," Deadshot said as everyone nodded. Hu tao appeared, along with Paimon, Qiqi, and Klee, as all of the video characters waved at the camera, smiling. Except for Qiqi, who was glaring at Hu tao with anger.

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