Part 2: Less talking, more blood

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Ren stood in the street and eyed the tall demon. He was quite ugly. His face was disfigured and severely burned.

"You dumbfuck! What makes you think you can come back here and just be the same cocky asshole you were before!?" Gusts of wind flew through the air as the demon waved his arms around wildly. "I've gotten stronger! I'll show you asshole!"

"Who were you again?" Ren asked, knowing full well it would piss the guy off.

"You know my damn name!"

"I'm not sure I do..." Ren looked over his claws. "Cassidy?"

"Castro! My name is Castro!" The demon growled. "I'll finish what my brother Carmelod started! Your head is mine Ren!"

"I leave him to you, Jack. Consider it training." Ren patted Jack's back. "Don't let me down."

Jack opened his mouth to protest, causing blood to drip down his shirt.

"YOU WONT IGNORE ME! YOU LEFT ME SCARRED! MY BODY RUINED!" A heavy gust displaced many scattered objects and demons spectating,

Ren stood unflinching, his teeth grinding.

"Jack. Do it before I get annoyed." Ren turned to walk away.

"I DON'T WANT HIM!" Castro charged forward and made a leaping attack at Ren. "It's your head I'm after!"

Ren spun and caught Castro's fist before it made contact with his head. He gripped the demon's fist, peering right into his soul.

"You're an insignificant insect." Ren twisted his arm, sending the demon into the ground. "Stay out of my fucking way."

Jack took in the scene as he wiped the blood from his chin.

"Oh yeah, you came down with this." Ren tossed Jack a huge blade, it was about a foot and a half long and eight inches wide. "And that coffin chained to your back could come in handy."

Jack felt around on his back and touched a heavy chain. Tugging at the chain, he could feel the heavy coffin shift.

The demon Castro rose to his feet.

"Have some honor and finish the damn fight Ren!"

"Jack. You know what to do." Ren stood with his back to his opponent.

Castro was immediately struck back down by Jack.

A severed arm fell to the floor.

Jack choked on his own blood, a pressure rose in his head as memories of his lifetime came rushing back.

The murders, the chaos in his head, the way he'd used Eleanor.

The memories abruptly stopped as his death began to play back rapidly in his head now.

Jack was hacking bits of his lungs out trying to take one last breath. Severe drug abuse, alcohol abuse, active psychosis, a body damaged by possession, and half a dozen bullets managed to do him in.

"Focus, Jacky boy!" Ren snapped his fingers repeatedly.

Jack unconsciously lifted his blade and severed the demons head.

The head thudded as it rolled away slowly, only to be kicked away by Ren. He slowly clapped and patted Jack's back, then wiped blood from his face and hair.

"Damnit, Jack. This will never wash out." Ren examined the blood on his hands, now streaked through his hair. "But we've got people talking. That's always a good thing."

Spectators of this small battle began whispering to each other, knowing that the balances of hell would be thrown off once more.

"That guy seems strong, maybe even strong as Ren."

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