"i just don't want them to hate me."

i sighed as i rested my head on michael's shoulder.

"they won't hate you. i think it's impossible for them to ever hate you."

michael said as i giggled.

"i hope you're right. i'll go order pizza if you want to invite them over."

"sounds great."

michael said before going into the other room to call the boys. i took one last glance at the ultrasound picture before putting it in my pocket. i'm really scared to tell the boys. i don't want them to hate me or feel like i'm ruining their tour. this is either going to go really well...or absolutely terrible. and the fans...the fans are gonna hate me. i'm delaying them seeing their favorite people. they all know me as the boys' best friend. hell, the boys are the only reason i have a following online. that's my job. social media is my job. and all the fans are going to turn on me because of this.

about an hour later, the boys arrived and we all sat down to have dinner. as we ate, michael and i kept sneaking glances back and forth between each other. and the boys were definitely catching on.

"what is going on between you two?"

ashton asked as he grabbed another slice of pizza from the box.

"we have something to tell you guys."

michael said as i felt my heart start to race.

"what's up?"

calum asked us. i grabbed the ultrasound pictures out of my pocket and placed them in front of the boys. they looked at it for a second before ashton and calum's eyes went wide.

"you guys are having a baby?!"

calum asked us.


michael said with a smile.

"that's amazing!"

ashton said as he came over and hugged us. calum followed suit but all i could think about is how luke hasn't said anything.

"what do you think, luke?"

i asked him. he looked up at me, his face having confusion and a bit of anger written on it.

"what about our tour? what happens with that?"

luke asked with a bit of an atitiude.

"we'll just have to figure something out. we can tour once the baby is born. i promise, we can make it up to the fans."

michael said.

"you sure that we can make it up to them?"

"i know we can. i think they'll be excited for the new little member of the band."

michael said with a laugh.

"alright then. i'm really happy for you guys."

luke said as he joined the hug. it feels really good to know that the boys are supportive about this. they're really the only ones that matter to me. i love the fans, but they're all going to have their opinions. it's the people that are close to me that really matter.

once the boys left, michael and i cleaned up the dishes and sat down on the couch. i looked at the ultrasound photo again and smiled. it's weird to think that this is actually real. it definitely hasn't sunk in yet.

"what are you doing?"

michael asked as he tore his attention away from the movie playing on the tv.

"just looking at our baby. doesn't seem real."

i said as we both looked at the picture.

"i know. probably won't seem real until she's here."

"you think it's a girl?"

"yeah. i think it's a girl."

michael said as he placed his hand on my stomach. i looked down at his hand and michael quickly pulled away.


"no, it's fine. i promise."

i said as i put his hand back where i was.

"when should we tell the fans?"

michael asked me.

"whenever you think is best. they're your fans."

"they're yours too. they love you."

michael said as i smiled a bit. he took the ultrasound picture from my hand, took a picture of it, and posted it online. i heard my phone go off and opened up twitter to see michael's tweet.

Michael5SOS: couldn't be happier to say that @missalexkerr and i are expecting a little one. we can't wait to meet you in a few months. we love you so much already, baby clifford!

"how'd i do?"

michael asked.

"it's perfect. thank you for staying."

i said as i rested my head on michael's shoulder. i don't know where the next few months will take us. i don't know how we're going to juggle a new baby and michael's career. but i guess that's the beauty of the ride, right?

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