fate has a funny way of showing itself

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2 months later

"i can't believe she's already standing."

bee said as we watched luna hold onto the coffee-table and hold herself up. it feels like just yesterday michael and i were bringing her home. we weren't even together at that point. now we've been married for three months, have an eight month old, and now she's standing. next she'll be walking and talking...she's just growing up so fast. life is going so fast.

"i know. i wish she could just stay a baby forever."

i said as i held my hands out to catch luna in case she fell down. which she did just as michael was coming in.

"aw, did i miss it?"

michael asked with disappointment written all over your face.

"yeah. sucks to be you, cliffo."

bee teased as i giggled. michael rolled his eyes and took a spot next to me on the floor.

"how's everything going with you and cal's house?"

i asked bee. bee and calum decided they were finally going to move in together. but them being them, they had to be extra and build their dream house.

"good. we finally got all the blueprints finalized so we can start building on the land."

bee said.

"so after you guys move in are you going to take after us and get married and have some little hoods running around?"

"absolutely not."

bee said as i laughed.

"why not?"

"being luna's godparent is good enough for me. i love her but i also love giving her back at the end of the day."

bee said as my laughter only intensified. bee's never really been one for children. i know they love being an aunt and godparent but they probably couldn't handle being a parent.

"yeah she can be a bit of a handful. she takes after her father there."

i said as i passed luna over to michael. we sat there talking for a while before i felt my stomach turn and it sent me racing towards the bathroom. as i emptied my stomach into the toilet, i felt michael come behind me and quickly tie my hair up into a ponytail. it's been like this for days. i can't seem to keep anything nowadays.

"you good?"

michael asked as i wiped my mouth. i nodded my head as i got up and brushed my teeth.

"are you okay?"

bee asked as they walked into the bathroom with luna on their hip.

"yeah. i haven't been feeling well for the past few days."

i said as i spit my toothpaste out. 

"if i didn't know any better, i'd think you're pregnant."

bee laughed. michael and i glanced at each other before bee's eyes went wide.

"are you pregnant?!"

bee asked me.

"i don't know. maybe? it's not like we weren't trying."

i said as i looked at michael.

"i'll go buy some tests."

michael said as he walked out of the bathroom and headed out the door. i took a deep breath as i sat on the edge of the bathtub and bee sat next to me. am i ready to be pregnant again? am i ready to be a mum again? i don't know. i guess there's no turning back now anyways.

lover of mine // mgcحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن