baby, i love you

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michael's pov

the four hour flight across the country felt like four years. the car ride with the guys and kaykay felt like agony. and running down the hallway of this hospital has my heart beating out of my chest. i just need to see alex. i need to know she's okay. i need to know that she's still alive. that's all i need. the guys, kaykay, and i rushed into the waiting room to see a tear-stained bee sitting in a chair.

"where is she?"

i asked them and they just scoffed at me.

"now you care about alex and leilia? where have you been the last two months?"

bee retorted back at me. i should expect this. they aren't my biggest fan. but i feel like this is a huge fucking exception to hating me.

"just tell me where the hell she is."

i said as i got in their face. and bee, being bee of course, didn't back down.

"and why the hell should i? you don't give a fuck about her! you don't give a fuck about your children! the best thing you could do is leave and not come back."

bee spat at me. that's when my anger reached the boiling point and i shoved them back in the chair.

"hey! both of you knock it off!"

calum yelled as he got in between us.

"you both are acting like idiots. alex doesn't need you two fist fighting in the waiting room. she needs you two to act like her fucking husband and best friend and be there for her. now just fucking tell him where she is bee."

calum yelled. i've never seen him so angry before. i mean, he has a point. i let my emotions get the best of me. i should've never placed my hands on bee.

"i'm sorry. just...please tell me."

i said as tears rushed to my eyes. god, i probably look so desperate right now. but i've also never been more scared about something in my life. bee crossed their arms across their chest before sighing.

"they haven't told me anything yet. they said leilia is doing alright but...nothing on alex."

bee said. i feel like there's an elephant on my chest that i just can't get rid of. i just need to know she's alright. i can't get rid of this feeling until i can see alex alive.

if she doesn't make it through...what the hell am i going to do? she was the reason i made it through what happened with luca. and i know that's the most hypocritical sentence to ever come out of my mouth after what i said to her but it's true. she's my rock. i can't raise luna and leilia without her. i can't live this life without her.

"family of alexandria clifford?"

i heard someone ask. we all turned around to see a nurse standing in the doorway.

"that's me. i'm her husband. what's going on with her?"

i asked as i rushed up to the nurse.

"so, she had some internal bleeding that we were unable to see until the baby was born. that's why she passed out. we rushed her into surgery and we were able to repair the damage. she's just waking up now so you can come visit her if you want."

the nurse explained. i nodded my head and followed her out of the small waiting area. as we walked into alex's room, she opened her eyes a bit and smiled at me.

"mikey. you made it."

alex said as the tears just flowed down my face. she's alive. she's really alive.

"alex! don't ever scare me like that again."

i said as i rushed over and hugged her, being as gentle as i could with her.

"i'm so sorry for acting like an idiot. i love you and our family so much."

i said as i kissed the top of her head.

"it's okay. you're here now. i love you."

"i love you too."

10 years later // alex's pov


i called as i adjusted the tiny baby on my hip.

"yes, my love?"

michael asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"can you take the cake out to the backyard. tell everyone they can dig in."

i said with a smile. michael placed a kiss to my lips before taking the cake from me and carrying it outside. let me fill you in on the last 10 years. leilia and i are doing great. today is her 10th birthday which seems insane. she's not my little baby anymore. she's growing up.

luna is 12 now. it's insane to think how much she's grown. she's so smart and she's taking singing and guitar lessons to be just like her daddy. she wants to be in an all-female band when she grows up and michael and i are more than supportive.

we ended up having another child just a couple months ago. we didn't really want to have a big age gap between our kids and we weren't planning anything but when we found out we were pregnant...we were over the moon. and michael was even more ecstatic when we found out it was a boy. now we have our little liam and we wouldn't change it for the world.

as for the band, they stopped making music and touring about a year ago. luke and sierra got married and had a little girl named jasmine. ashton and kaykay got married and ended up having a little boy named carter. finally, calum and bee got married and they adopted the cutest little girl named blake. it's so amazing watching all of our friends become parents and get married. and helping them raise their kids is a great thing to be apart of. it really does take a village. i can't wait for all of our kids to be best friends.

thankfully, we haven't heard from my parents, veronica, or crystal in years. maybe they finally learned to get a life. maybe they fell off the face of the earth. i really couldn't care less. i have all the family i need here. i wouldn't change this for anything.

"happy birthday to you!"

michael started to sing as i followed him out to the backyard; liam peacefully sitting on my hip. we walked out to the backyard where all of our friends were surrounding leilia.

"happy birthday to you."

i said with a smile as i sat down next to leilia.

"make a wish princess."

michael said. leilia smiled and blew out the candles on her cake. i sat back in my chair and just scanned the room. i'm so incredibly lucky. i'm so grateful for the life i've built. nothing could ever beat this.

the end.

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