⭐️Hisoka X Reader💧

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You and Hisoka were going on a murder spree because it a hobby you both enjoyed a lot for some reason. The pale male looked at you and smiled. "So, Y/N who should be next?" He said. You shrugged and said, "I don't know but all I know this next one is my kill." "Are you sure about that?" The pink haired male said smirking. "I'm 100% sure!" You said smirking at him. You guys looked at each other for a while until he ran towards you and threw you in the air "HIIIIIIISOOOOOOOKKAAAAAAAA!" You said while flying up and landing back in his arms. You screamed at him. "What the fuck was that for!" You said while pouting. He just started laughing ignoring your question. You threw a fit while in his arms. While throwing a tantrum you accidentally punched him. You froze in place and mumbled. "Uh oh." You jumped out of his arms and started sprinting. Hisoka being a few inches behind you. You started speeding up until you feel someone yank you back. "Bungee gum." You thought. You got pulled back into Hisokas arms. He rubbed your head harshly while looking down at you with a messed up smirk. You tried to struggle out of his grip but he was too strong. You gave up after a while and decided to call it a day considering you already got like 5 people today. You sighed and looked up at him and smiled. (or down if your taller then him.) He decided to pick you up bridal style and carry you to a mysterious place. After a while you saw a beautiful view. A view that you have never seen before. "Beautiful isn't it?" Hisoka said while looking at the sunset. You slowly nodded your head and smiled at him. He gently put you down on the healthy grass. He came and sat next to you. Hisoka looked at you and lifted your chin to face him. "This view may be beautiful but it isn't as beautiful as you." Hisoka says then kissing your cheek. You lightly blushed and said "That was so corny." "But you liked it didn't you?" He said while smirking. You turned to face the floor. "No but yes." You said while laying down on his lap. "But you do know I love you correct?" You said while looking up at the vibrant haired male. He smiled and kissed you on the hand. "Tell me something I don't know." He said while smiling. After a few more minutes of talking you finally fell asleep. Hisoka looked down at your sleeping face and smiled.


THIS STORY IS TRASH- but I hope you liked it 😃
Word count: 454

THIS STORY IS TRASH- but I hope you liked it 😃Word count: 454

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(DISCONTINUED) HunterxHunter Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora