Chapter 7: "Special Delivery for the King"

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Daphne, impeccably dressed and styled as always, joined him at quarter to seven. The rest of the students filtered in around that time as well. Blaise stumbled in around quarter past seven, looking like he just rolled out of bed, his expression eerily similar to a tired koala.

Malfoy was one of the last to join, probably because he had stood for hours in front of the mirror trying to decide what to wear. After him trailed his two half-troll body guards and Pansy Parkinson. Daphne sniffed in barely concealed disgust. When Harry looked at her, she only commented "Heiress Parkinson has managed to embarrass herself in the Girl's Dorms last night, by demanding that we all vow loyalty to her, since she was the future Lady Malfoy. When I remarked that she had nothing on me, since of my alliance with you, she started screeching inane chatter. Honestly I do not know how this...person got into Slytherin."

"Maybe her ambition makes up for her lack of other Slytherin qualities."

"Since when does "gold-digging whore" equal ambition?" hissed Daphne.

"First of all don't hiss at me! I think last night proved that my vocal chords are more skilled for such sibilant sounds than yours, so please leave the hissing to the professionals-"

At that point Professor Snape entered, which made Harry close his mouth. Daphne gave him her "Don't think I forgot about last night" glare, which was normally reserved for Blaise on mornings after he tried to sneak into her bedroom.

As the Professor was now present, Harry poked Blaise, hoping that his friend would wake up. But to no avail, a tired incubus was apparently a heat-seeking incubus and Harry's struggle only caused Blaise's already vice like grip to tighten. The Wind Contractor withheld a groan. Time to do the only thing that would wake Blaise up effectively for the rest of the day...

Ice cold winds blew under Blaise's clothes, abruptly pulling the incubus from his slumber state. Blaise screeched. Harry's eyes glowed just a bit brighter, showing everyone who was watching what he was.

"Guns & Roses" by Paradise Lunch (from "Baccano")

Severus Snape saw the Zabini heir jump at least a two feet into the air. Raising one questioning eyebrow at the incubus he continued his way to the door of the Slytherin dorms, from there he knew he could see practically everyone and everyone could see him.

"For the returning students: I hope you had a good summer. For the new members of our house, there are a few things you should know. We are the most hated house in Hogwarts, mainly because of the Dark Lord. However that bad reputation would not have taken hold so well, had Lord Voldemort" at that name the whole house flinched. Snape groaned.

"For magic's sake, it's just a name. And not a particularly impressive one. Someone who has a pathological fear of death calling himself "Flight from Death" is just beyond stupid. Many of your parents and grandparents have joined him, because he had the right goals. But he lost these goals along the way, so there really is no need to mourn him. He claimed to be a Slytherin not only by house but by blood as well, however he still chose the direct approach instead of slowly taking over. He trusted the words of a more than questionable seer when he attacked the Potters, he had split his soul into several parts, making him beyond insane. So please pull yourselves together! If you have to pine after a proven psychopath, at least use his stupid name!" hissed Salazar Slytherin who had entered his portrait.

"Not only that, but see what this prestigious house has become! If anyone of you had bothered to look it up, you would know that there is so much more to us than cunning and ambition. We – like all other houses – have several traits that define us. Our goal is to find the balance between these characteristics. We are ambitious, that's true.

He came like an oncoming storm (Book 1 of the Stigma of the Wind series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat