1981 : First Christmas

Start from the beginning

Now I understand why he asked for my birthday. "I look forward to it!" I responded politely but I'm actually excited for it. We continued my lesson for a bit more. "You can use it any time you like. But not when I'm working." He pointed with the face. I silently giggled and nodded. "Ask me if there's anything you'd like to ask.". "I understand, sensei." We finished the lesson and continued the rest of the day.


It's Christmas! The weeks passed really quick that I hardly noticed it. For my progress on the song, I can say that I'm about 70% there. Even though I'm allowed to enter the office to practice, I still snuck inside. Sensei noticed it and he told me just to enter when I want to practice except when he's using the room. I apologized and he forgave me. I think he understood my nervousness around him.

The first week of December I already helped with the decorations. Akiko-san was really excited about it. The decorations weren't a lot but it does show the Christmas spirit. I usually celebrate Christmas at my uncle's place. My cousins and I would play games and my uncle would give us presents. I didn't celebrate it at one time due to massive assignment stack so I had to skip Christmas to finish them all.

Both Akiko-san and I were eager to celebrate and I have to admit that we were a bit impatient waiting for sensei to come home. "What's taking him so long?". "I'm sure sensei will be back soon." I tried to calm her down. Minutes passed and we heard the door open. "I'm home! I'm sorry for coming late." Said sensei. "Welcome home, sensei." I greeted. "No, you're not late." Said Akiko-san and Miu-san ran to hug her father. It was cute but it hurts.

"I bought cake on the way back." Sensei showed the box. "I'll take it to the table, sensei." I requested and he gave it to me. I went to the kitchen to prepare the cake. There were three different flavored slices and neatly wrapped in plastic. I put them in the fridge to let them cool for a bit. I went back to the living room and Ryuichi-sensei was gone. I suspect he took shower after a long day of work. 'We'll just wait for him at dinner then...' I thought to myself.

"You look much more excited than yesterday, Akiko-san." I teased. She laughed and admitted. "How about yourself, (y/n)-chan?". "I'm excited too! It's Christmas and I'm celebrating it with you, Miu-san and with sensei too!" I answered. "Have you celebrated Christmas before?" she asked. "I... haven't really since I moved to my uncle's place.". "How long?" I lied by telling her I arrived a few months before my uncle "left" for a "long business trip".

Akiko-san nodded after my explanation and called Miu-san to join us. 'She's really cute.' I smiled at the thought. Ryuichi-sensei finally joined us and we celebrated Christmas. We had dinner first then I brought out the cake sensei bought. I put them on the table, "It's ready..." I wasn't sure which one to pick. "How about you take one first, (y/n)-chan?" said Ryuichi-sensei. I saw one of the cakes and it was (f/fl). I firmly grasped my courage and took the (f/fl) cake. I sat down and the rest was taken by Ryuichi-sensei and Akiko-san.

The cake was delicious and I enjoyed it. We were all enjoying our dessert even Miu-san likes Akiko-san's share. "I just remembered something!" both of them looked at me when I stood up. "I'll be back in a second." I went to my room and grabbed the cards I bought. I went back to the dining room, "I like you to have this." I gave them the cards. "I bought them because I thought they look nice-I-it's not handmade but what I wanted to say is... thank you for having me."

"We thank you to work with us." Sensei smiled and Akiko-san added, "They're wonderful, (y/n)-chan. Thank you." She smiled too. Outside may be freezing but the atmosphere here in this room is nicely warm. I think I'm starting to like it here. We finished the dessert and I helped Akiko-san with the dishes after that, sensei called us to the living room. I can't wait to hear it.

We went to the living room and Ryuichi-sensei was setting up the turntable. "Is it ready, dear?" asked Akiko-san. Ryuichi-sensei nodded, "The base is finished, the studio will arrange it better with the orchestra." He explained. He looked at us, "As promised, you two are the first ones to listen." He smiled and I think I saw him glanced at me. Get your head out of the gutter, (y/n)! I sat on the next couch where Akiko-san and Miu-san sat and Ryuichi-sensei played the record. The first track was the main theme.

While listening to the soundtracks, I remembered the scenes from the movie. I don't exactly remember most of them but they seemed to jog my memory a bit even though I only watched it once. The track now is the instrumental version of the song the little brother sang. It sounds flowery. Then it reached the forbidden kiss scene. This makes to the favorite list. The track ended and we clapped. "They sounded amazing!" I gave my appreciation. "Merry Christmas!" he replied. "Merry Christmas."

A.N : Merry Christmas!!! I told you I'll upload it on the day. The vid is the piano version of the movie and it's really nice to listen to. Hope you guys have an amazing Christmas and a happy New Year! RD out!! Boi!!!

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