𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. the game-changer

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I'm quiet for a little bit, and I can tell Clove's getting antsy before she throws her head back in a dramatic sigh. "Ugh. Do you have a nickname or something?"

"Ivy is sort of my nickname." I poke at the ropes, trying to tie a figure-eight. "My real name's Ivelisse."

Clove blinks at me. "That's..."

I've been told Ivelisse sounds "elegant" and "timeless". I'm somewhat curious to see what Clove Kentwell thinks of my full name.

She smirks and rolls her eyes. "Sounds pretty showy."

Unexpectedly, I smile. "It does, doesn't it?"

Clove stands, and I flinch as she unceremoniously uses her wrapped hand to roughly zip up her jacket. "You should be more careful with that."

"Whatever." Clove makes a point to wave around the fingers on her injured hand at me, and I catch a glimpse of barely-visible pain in her eyes before she strides confidently outside.

"Where are you going?" I ask, alarmed.

"Taking a walk," she yells back, and that's all I get before the end of her ponytail disappears through the entrance.

I'm a little nervous at being left in the cave all by myself. Scared of the Careers finding me, yes, but also of my own mind. I think of Peeta Mellark again, lying against a tree, bleeding out his life. Trees, trees, trees. I think I hate trees now.

I wonder what our Capitol audience thinks. Katniss and Peeta's star-crossed lovers act, dead on day one. Not really an act. Poor Peeta. Poor everyone.

I try to remember District Twelve's reaping. Katniss stole the show when she volunteered for her little sister, of course. She left behind a mother and sister when she died. And Peeta... I can't seem to remember. I vow to myself that if I win, I'll find out.

If I win. Seven left, now that Peeta is gone. If I come out of this arena alive, it'll be by myself, alone. Cato, Clove, Marvel, Dana, Gavin, all dead. There's still one more tribute... Who is it? The girl from Five. All of them, dead. Just like Rue, just like Katniss and Peeta, just like everyone else who ever died in these Games.

Before I can fully slip into a haze of guilt and grief and panic, I remember the cameras and tell myself harshly to snap out of it. Xavier's watching. Your family's watching. Jax and Sleet are watching. Beetee and Wiress are counting on you. You promised Rue and Xavier you would win.

My burns hurt. They're almost fully healed now, but I apply a little more cream, the pain causing me to bite down on my lip so hard I taste blood. In order to distract myself, I recite the names of all the people I know in my head while I wait for Clove to get back. Ivelisse Rosewood. Gavin Colard. Xavier, Colt, Haldin. Clove. The people from the Capitol. My team. Bacchus, Luci, Vanilla, Pippy, Clio. The memories from the Capitol seem faded now, all that glitz and finery so far away from this wilderness.

Suddenly, there's a soft thump from the entrance, and all my senses go on high alert. Slowly drifting towards the cave wall, my imagination goes a little wild as I carefully creep along the wall. Mutts? Another tribute? Cato with a sword, Marvel with a spear, Dana with a trident? No, there weren't any tridents at the Cornucopia. District Four is good with tridents, aren't they?

When I hesitantly peek around the corner, I relax to see it's just another silver parachute. Looking around me, I stretch out a hand and pick it up, then retreat back into the safety of the cave.

It has a number 3 on it. Another gift for me. Brushing aside the parachute and unwrapping its contents, I see it's another sandwich, identical to the one Clove received. I frown quizzically. Are my mentors and Clove's mentors working together now? Clove seemed pretty sure Enobaria was behind the first gift.

Is this some kind of hidden message? Our mentors want us to remain allies, I guess. After today, Clove will leave. That's what she said, anyway. I don't feel very confident her wrist is going to heal in time. Besides, she seems to have her own plans.

As if my thoughts summon her, Clove herself appears in the entrance, so quietly it makes me jump. "Afternoon."

After my racing heart calms somewhat, I nod back. "Is it noon already?"

"Yep." Clove's eyes zero in on the untouched sandwich. "What's that?"

"A sandwich," I reply, smiling innocently, and she snorts, remembering our conversation with the last parachute.

"Your district got you this?" she asks, sitting down in front of me, still a distance away.

I poke at the parachute. "Yes."

Clove mutters some obscenities under her breath, along with more not-so-nice language directed at Enobaria. "Fine, then. We'll share."

She moves to recline against the wall, chewing listlessly on her half of the sandwich. I once again try to figure her out, this ruthless warrior from the district of stone and glory. At first glance she's just another bloodthirsty tribute, but the way she holds herself now is elegant and poised, noble even. Funny how she goes from a furious screaming girl stuck hanging from a tree to whoever this is.

The day flashes by fast. Clove doesn't talk much, merely sitting against the wall and glaring into space, looking deep in thought. Peeta's is the only face that appears in the sky tonight. I think of his wound, the cut, the blood. I guess one of the Careers got him. Cato, maybe.

When the sky darkens, Clove automatically moves to go sit by the entrance. "I'll take first watch," she says stiffly when I look at her.

I frown. "You didn't wake me last night."

Clove just scoffs, and even though I'm taller than her, she seems to tower over me. "I could just use some time to think."


Clove seems a little taken aback that I don't protest. "But you should get some more sleep in the morning," I add, sitting on my sleeping bag. It doesn't seem as cold today.

I slip into a fitful sleep plagued by nightmares and death and fire. I don't know how much time has passed when I wake with a knife pressed to my throat.

"My wrist feels better now," says Clove, hovering over me, holding the sharp blade in her right hand. "I'm breaking our alliance, Three."

I blink, mind still fuzzy. Is this a dream? I feel the cold pressure of the knife against my neck and know I'm awake. "Why didn't you just slit my throat while I slept?"

Clove looks mildly offended. Or not. It's hard to tell in the low light, and her dark green eyes look still and contemplative. "I have more honor than that."

Honor. I file that away. Clove Kentwell values honor. "Oh."

This feels surreal, the Career from Two about to kill me, my mind still swimming with sleep. I think I should be more scared. What do I do? Don't panic.

Clove pauses, eyes searching mine. For what, I'm not sure. "Okay, then." She sounds unsure, and I realize this is the first time I've ever seen her even remotely uncertain in her actions.

She hesitates, eyes darting to the knife clutched in her hand, then back to my throat. Her eyes harden and she moves ever-so-slightly, the cold sharpness of the blade leaving my neck for just a second.

I don't know what to do. So I lean up and press my lips to hers.


gUys pEeTa wAs oN fiRe tOo

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋 ❪ clove kentwell ❫Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ