Chapter 4: The Next Day

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"I'm great thanks. And nonsense you are a natural phenom. So what brings you here tonight?

I know he knows I'm here. But I have to humor him anyways. "Well just came out to enjoy the game and see  how the pros do it."

"And are you enjoying it thus far?"

Oh please this guy is the biggest jerk of all. "I must say I am Randy." Insert fake smile. "But I must say I am a bit lost. Even though my best friend is a goalie for a semi pro team. I really don't follow hockey." I chuckle and he does the same.

"Must be a different environment than what you're used to." 

Okay now he is starting to get on my nerves. "Yes that is true. Being on the lanes takes some concentration. Its like using both geometry and physics. Things of that nature. It can be a bit physical at times too. Maybe not as much as out there on the ice."

"So we heard. How is the knee doing?"

"Great actually. I of course now have to wear a knee brace to give some extra support, but I am going back to where I belong."

"So the rumors are true? Are you really returning to competition?"

"Yes it is all true. There is a charity event taking place with athletes from all over coming up next week. And I will be participating in that along with the tournament back in Dallas, for the Women's Classic."

"That wonderful news."

"Yes it truly is. We are hoping for a great turnout at the classic and at the charity event too."

"Well I am sure it will be once people know that you are back." We both chuckle and smile.

"One can hope." I simply say.

"Well Rochelle, we all here at ESPN wish you the best of luck and look forward to seeing your return."

"Thank you kindly Randy."

We shake hands and the camera goes off. I take off the mic and earpiece and hand it over to one of the cameraman. I went to stand up and Randy wishes me the best of luck once again and says how he looks forward to doing more air time with me. That man makes my skin crawl. 

Just then I heard a thump against the glass behind me and I jump a little from the startling noise. I turned around to look and I see the same guy as before. His brown eyes staring at me. He waves his hand and winks. I waved back and rolled my eyes shaking my head. I have no idea who this guy was. But his eyes were captivating. 

I made my way back to Matt and sat down beside him. He handed me a beer and kissed my temple. I told him I talked to Randy from ESPN and Matt just rolled his eyes. Even he can't stand the ass.  We were watching the game and the Stars just scored a goal. Some cheered others booed. But when I looked to see who scored I saw the same A on the jersey. He turned around and it had the name SEGUIN with a 91 on the back. Well at least I have a last name now to put with the face.

When the game was over the Stars beat the Lightning 3-1. You could feel the disappointment in the air from the fans but the team saluted their fans while the Stars celebrated on the ice. It was an okay game. Like I said I don't follow hockey. I don't follow much of any sport other than the one I play. Which reminds me I have to call Jennifer later to see how the lanes are running without me.

Tyler's POV 

We arrived at the arena to get ready for tonight's game against Tampa. As were on the ice for warm ups I spotted some girl in the stands taking pictures and signing autographs. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Jamie came and skated up to me and watched her too.

"Who is that?" I asked

"No clue."

She is beautiful. Brown hair down to the middle of her back, not to fat or skinny. She's wearing black jeans and a long sleeve cream colored top. 

Then Jordie and Demers skate up to us as well wondering why we are just standing there looking in to the crowd. That is until Jordie pipes up and says that I must be in some type of trance. Only because my focus was on this beauty and not them.

They skated away. Once she was done signing autographs and pictures she turned to face me. I raised my eyebrow at her and she did the same. So I smirked at her and chuckle. I noticed a guy with her and for some reason that makes me tense. 

She talks to them for a bit and I skate away. I need to keep my focus on the game not her. Everyone makes it off the ice and of course I made sure I am the last one to leave.

While we were in the mists of our game Jamie, our captain and my best friend, taps me on the shoulder and points behind me. I gave him a questionable look but he keeps pointing behind me. So I turned my head. 

There she was, doing some interview with ESPN. Who is she? What is she doing here? I see her smiling and laughing. Its now that I can see that her eyes are as blue as the ocean and her smile lights up like the sun. She is even more beautiful up close.

I look up at the jumbotron and see her face up there along with her name. Rochelle Parker. 

As she finishes up her interview and started to leave, I had to get her attention somehow. So I tapped on the glass causing her to jump. I didn't mean to scare her even though is was cute to see her get startled. She turns around and I wave and wink at her. She waved back but rolled her eyes at my wink and smirk. At least she waved. Even though she shook her head too. I watched her walk back to her seat as best as I could and I could tell those jeans fit her nicely.

It was mine and Jamie's turn on the ice and I scored off of his assist. We beat the Lightning 3-1. We celebrated on the ice while Tampa saluted their fans. But like all good things that come to an end, mine was getting out of this gear.

We did our post game interviews and coach told us we had an important meeting back at our arena tomorrow afternoon. So which means we were leaving tonight to fly back to Dallas.

"Segs, did you notice that the mystery girl that  your hung up on was on the jumbotron?" Jordie asked.

"Yeah. Her name is Rochelle Parker."

"Man you're blushing." Jamie says.


We pack up our stuff and head out to the bus so we can get on the flight home. I am tired but also curious about this girl.

The next day we had our optional morning practice but for some reason coach wanted Jamie and I to be there. I hardly remember the full conversation other than something about a meeting.

So everyone leaves that decided to be there except Jamie and I.

"Okay guys thanks for sticking this out. The reason I asked the both of you to stay is because we have been contacted by the WIBC and they want us to participate in a charity event tomorrow. I know this is short notice but since we are off for the next week I am really hoping you guys will do this." coach says.

"What kind of charity event and what is WIBC?" Jamie asks.

"Well its an event with different athletes from various sports participating to raise money for children in need." he says. "And I know its Women's something or another."

"Well if it supports children in need I am in." I tell coach.

"Yeah I will go to." Jamie replies.

"Great that wonderful news. So here is the event information and don't worry about wearing suits guys. Just go in pants and a starts polo. This is an athletic event, after all."

He hands us the information and Jamie and I both looked at it, then at each other, then at our coach. 

"Bowling Alley?" we say in unison.

He shakes his head yes 

"That's is why I told you to wear pants and a polo shirt. Need you be comfortable in order to move freely." 

And with that we head out the door.  What are we signing up for this time. I can't bowl and I know Jamie can't either. This should be fun.

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