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We have been waiting for about an hour. Which brings us to five o'clock in the morning happy Sunday everyone, I should be expecting a call from my parents in a hour. Since London died they made it a rule that when I stayed anywhere (Even my grandmas) they would call me at six o'clock. I don't know why they made it so early, any way they will call me and they will want answers. Shit I am stuffed, what the hell am I going to do? Beside me Ellie has fallen asleep again. Unfortunately I'm not so lucky any movement in my right wrist, and I feel like screaming, which is pretty much what everyone else is doing. I hate the hospital.
"Clover?" The doctor taps me on the shoulder. I spin alarmed even though I know it's her!
"The X-ray crew are ready for you." she says.
"Thank you. Can I take my friend?" I ask hopefully she will let me.
"I think it might be better if she stays where she is. I will keep an eye on her while your in there." She says winking.
"Thanks." I smile.
Then together we make our way to the X-Ray room. When we get there I am asked to (as gently as I can) lay my wrist down. The lady makes the job quick and only asks me to move my wirst so it doesn't hurt, but that's impossible since everything hurts it. then she asks me to wait in the waiting room again until she brings out the results. She said she thinks it's broken, and that I will have to be in a cast for six weeks! Six weeks.
I'm sitting in the waiting room again. Ellie is still snoring beside me, And then I hear it, my parents are calling. I have no choice I have to answer.
"Clover honey." it's mum. "How are you?"
"I'm good mum, fine really." in the backroad a little kid is screaming I hope mum can't here it.
"Clover who is screaming?" Mum asks panicked. Quick Clover think of something.
"Oh it's nothing, Ellie and I are watching a movie." I say reassuringly. Someone taps me on the shoulder.
"Clover." it's the doctor.
I am trying to multitask.
"Clover who is that." mum is panicked again. I spin to face the doctor, and she pulls out the X-Rays.
"Clover I am afraid your wrist is broken. In two places just as you friend thought." the doctor says. I have taken the phone away from my ear and I can still hear mum screaming at me.
"Clover I'm going to have to ask you to come with me. we need to put it in plaster."

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