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Josh continues to pound on the door. My heart beat turns rapid. I stand in the kitchen holding the two things that will probably save me. The fryer pan, and a knife. He walks around the back. Crap we don't have a lock for that door. He finds the handle and laughs.
"Not, so smart are you? You don't even have locks on your doors." he continues to laugh. A shiver runs down my body. He's inside.
"I will find you Clover. And I will kill you." he yells. I run to my parents bedroom and Hide in their wardrobe. I pull the clothes over me and keep my self as hidden as possible. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I quaver. It's a text from Ellie. it reads.
"Hey. Clo I'm really sorry, Royce apologised and we are going out tonight. Sorry to do that to you, Xoxo Ellie." I let out a sigh of relief. Now Ellie can't get hurt.
I can hear Josh in my room pulling apart everything. I hear something smash. My photo frame. One of my only photos of London.
"I know where you are." he yells. I can hear him walking down the hallway. He's going to kill me. A car pulls into the drive way, and I get another text. From Dustin.
"Hey Clo I'm here now don't worry the police are on their way I won't let him hurt you." I Shudder. Is he going to be too late? I can hear Josh right in front of me now.
"I will find you." he yells loudly. I feel like screaming. "Oh so you get your boyfriend to fight your battles for you huh?" He says.
Down stairs Dustin yells. "Josh. Don't hurt her, the police are on their way, you don't want to do time again do you?" He says. Time again? What he's already done time?
He opens the door and I scream.
"I found you." he says. I can hear Dustin running up the stairs.
I swing the fryer pan at him, I miss and he grabs it from my hands.
"Clo where are you?" Dustin yells.
"Here." I scream and Josh punches me hard in the side I scream again. I pull the knife out in front of me.
"Don't make me do this." I say to Josh.
"Oh I'm so scared." Josh says pulling a gun from his waist band.
"I'm going to kill you the way I killed your sister." he says.

Love is the Question?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora