I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in once the door had shut and the noise had been muffled. I press my palms over my face and slink into my seat. I feel an arm go around my shoulder pulling me into a solid body. Harry held me to his chest with both his arms holding me to him. He pressed his lips to my head as I let out a sigh.

"Are you okay? I know that was a lot and I'm sorry that that girl grabbed you. And I'm sorry she said that to you. I only heard the end but it wasn't nice at all."

I shift slightly in the position we are in to look up at him.

He had so much concern in his eyes. He looked almost as if he was apologizing even though he did nothing wrong and protected me.

I pushed back the loose curl that had fallen across his forehead and my hand fell to rest on his cheek. He leaned into it and his lips turned to press against the inside gently.

"Hey. It's okay. I mean what she said wasn't very nice and wasn't okay but I'm okay. I'm not hurt. You're not hurt. Everything is okay. People assume and get jealous and there's nothing we can do but be strong and be the better person. It's going to take a lot more than one hurtful thing to bring me down," I say softly.

His eyes still swim with concern beneath the green surface. I press my lips to his gently. Our lips separate but he keeps his forehead on mine. His eyes still shut.

"I just wish it didn't happen. You're so kind and you don't deserve it," he says, opening his eyes.

I smile at him softly.

"It's okay."

He returns the smile and I nuzzle back against him, his head resting on top of mine. After a few minutes his phone buzzes in his pocket and he goes to reach for it. I sit up a bit to let him pull it out but he immediately tightens his grasp around me.

"Ah shit," he says looking down at the screen.

"What? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. It's fine. Jeff just told me that I have an interview and short performance for the Today show tomorrow morning. I completely forgot. I have to be up at like 5 in the morning," he says letting out a sigh.

"I'm sorry that sucks. Do you want me to come with you?"

"I do. But Jeff says you shouldn't because I know they are going to ask about you and if we still want to try and keep this as private as possible, we should try and avoid appearing together too much. Also you must be exhausted and should sleep as much as you can."

"Yeah that makes sense."

It does.

Now that we performed together, I know people will want to pry into our personal relationship, and as much as I don't like it, the media portal of Harry with women has always been very quick to judge and assume. I frown at the thought. It makes me so upset that whenever he is even seen with a girl, people blow it way out of proportion, painting him as a player. Maybe he was. I didn't know him when that was going on. I mean they still paint him in that light but less now. But I find it hard to believe. From what I know of him now on a personal level, he has so much respect for people that I don't think he would play with their feelings like that.

"Why are you frowning, love," he says looking at me.

I let out a sigh.

"I just--I'm just mad that people don't see all the good in you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I mean, I was a fan of you before we met," I say sitting up fully to look at him. "And I saw how they painted you. As some heartless player. Everytime you are seen with a girl they make it look bad and people get upset. I don't want you to have to go through that because I was around you. I don't want you to be made out to be some womanizer."

The Kindness Of A Sunflower (h.s)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ