chapter 2 OMG?????

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erifin woke up. he was passed out in the nurse office for hour by  now. john mug hovered over him with a worried expression on his face. eridan blusehd. "john senpai.........." mikan hushed him he wansnt meant to talk yt he still had simp diesaese.

john looked at eridan blushng too. mikan left to go to nurse stuff. eridan sat up. "eridan what r u doign???uwu???" eridan pinned john senpau to the wall and lbusherd. "erdian........." he blsuehd so hard.

"i lvo u njohn." the words wweere so sudden that jon mug blushed harder. eridan made out with john mug. ofc he wwas the bototkm so john started makigng out with him isntaed. eridam maoned. uwu. fef was also sick and saw them. she started cryign. eridn stopped kissing  john mug and lookwd at fef and was so embarrased. "feferi its not wahat  u tignk..." john mug nya'd.

feferi crued harder "eridan i tohguhg...t........" eridan walked over to her. he sat next to her john followigng clsoe behidn. fef peed a little sad at the idea that eridan doesnt lofve her. eridan peed too. itwas vert sad,

mikan reentered the room and saw the scene and ran to fef. "get the fuck away ur making her vcry!!!!" she said gently before tripping in front of them. she blushd. eridan flipeped her off. she cried and left. no fef~senpai today mikan

eirdan olooked to the side "fef..... im sorry....... john mug wwas too sexy to just let roam free..." he said genuienly. john mug nodded and blush's. eridan left with john mug to make out elsewhere. fef cryd. sollyx walked in. he saw her cryign. "babe iit2 okay" he said farting. fef smiled.

eridan ampora x john egbert mug uwuWhere stories live. Discover now