" YES! How you know him?"
Samahir raised brow.

" You know Nabhan? My friend?? He told me so many stories about Sir Ahmed!!!"
Wali grinned.

"Oh !"
Samahir mouthed.

"Hyyy sir Ahmeddd!!! Do you know the difference between coriander and parsley now??"
Wali asked with mischevuous grin.

Samahir laughed cause she thought that sir Ahmed didn't listen him but when he shouted Samahir got dragged back to the world.


"Oh damn!!!"
Samahir punched herself in mind when she realized that her mike was unmuted and Sir Ahmed along with whole university witnessed the live tamasha (drama)  that happened in Khan villa .

"Join my class again when your family learns to behave humanly."
Sir Ahmed gritted teeth looking at Wali AND Samahir both and removed her from  class straight away.

"What the hell just happened??"
Samahir asked with jaw touching ground.

"Leave him!!! Let's go for a drive."
Wali said dragging her out.


Samahir stood up after praying Esha and placed prayer Matt aside.

Just then Wali came in.

"Your assignment!! On my way I got it from your university. It's checked and here Take it."
Rafey said giving her a file and a big box.

"What's in it?"
Samahir asked taking it from him.

"These are some of Ali's books.his friend from academy sent them."
Rafey said and went out when Samahir nodded.

Samahir shut the door and started looking at her assignment and a happy scream left her mouth when she saw that she got full marks in her assignment for the very first time.

After dancing for quite sometime she placed it on her study table and started opening Ali's parcel.

"It is not cool to open someone else parcel but still I will open it!!"
She said with a toothy grin.

And finally she tore the packet and opened the box and took books out of it.

There were many books related to army.

"Men Of Steel"

"Fighting To The End"

"Crossed Swords"

"Dying to Serve"

A smile made it's way to her lips whispering upon the titles of the books.

WHO knew that he was also used to read books?

One by one she placed them aside after scanning and then her eyes landed on a note book which was in box.

She took it out and her eyes went wide looking at the sketches of guns, marshal tanks, rifles and snipers he had made.

"Woahh!!! He has too much talent!!!"
She was unknowingly praising him.

And next moment her smile faded when she turned the page.

"This writing?? I have seen it somewhere.. "
She murmured trying to remember and suddenly it hit her.

She ran towards her study table and took her assignment file.

She sat on bed with a thud and started matching both hand writings.

A shocked whisper left her mouth when she found both hand writings same.

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