Transfiguration Show-off

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- Resembling light in appearance, having in some respects the qualities of light


McGonagall walked around the class to give them all their own hedgehog, they were supposed to turn them into pincushions today. While McGonagall was explaining the incantation and the wand movement Lynnea was looking around more bored than ever. She started just fiddling with her wand instead.

Fred that was sitting next to her noticed her not paying even a little attention. He just looked questionably at her, even he and George paid more attention to classes than she did. Many of the people she had classes with couldn't understand how this girl had ever made it into Ravenclaw.

Lynnea Ilves had been the hottest talk of the Gryffindor common room last night, it was the first time since Fred started at Hogwarts that a new student had come beside the first years. It had not helped either how stunning she thought, at least Fred thought so and Professor Dumbledore calling her a troublemaker of all things had only intrigued him. 

After talking to her she only seemed more interesting, he was not sure whether it was simply because she was the new mysterious person or the confident way she carried herself. One thing was sure, there was something different about her. At least the Weasley thought so and it seemed his twin was having the same thoughts. 

"It's not nice to stare, Weasley" Lynnea muttered before standing up and moving up to McGonagall who had just called her over. Fred blushed and quickly turned his attention towards his twin and friend. Lynnea was wondering if the professor was going to tell her off for not paying attention in her class.

"So you must be Miss Ilves?" McGonagall asked the girl.

"Before your very eyes indeed" she answered while smiling at the older Lady.

"Well I've heard of your transfiguration work from Dumbledore already, to be frank, I'm not sure how much I'll be able to teach you. What is your own opinion on the subject?" McGonagall let Lynnea decide for herself how she would go about the transfiguration classes since she was more advanced than her class.

"I'd like to perfect my conjuring and banishment spells if you don't mind. Afterwards, I'd love some help with my human transfiguration." Lynnea answered truthfully.

"I see well, I'd like to see your abilities so far if you don't mind. Then I can be sure of what we need to work on." Lynnea couldn't help but smile with a great deal of mischief. Which didn't go unnoticed by her friends that were sitting on the front row. They started sniggering amongst themselves, wondering what the young witch was up to.

Lynnea looked between Roger and Fred with a smug face. Roger started trying to hide behind Nova, but Fred on the other hand was just staring at her with a questioning look. She had done something to George already so it was only fair did something to Fred as well. She had then decided exactly what she was gonna do to the boys. Her big smile grew wider.

"it'll be my pleasure Professor," Lynnea said towards McGonagall and she turned around to the class, pointing her wand at Roger and saying;

"Incendio" she quickly turned to Fred and pointed her wand at him and without saying anything Fred started sprouting fox ears, a snout and a tail.

"See Professor I meant to turn him completely into a fox, it still needs some work"

Roger was glaring angrily at her. She'd managed to burn off his eyebrows as well as the front part of his hair. Fred on the other hand just looked shocked while his friend and twin were rolling on the floor laughing.

Nova, Sander and Owen had the same reaction. Owen sent her a big smile. They were all trying to hold in their laughter but looking at McGonagall's face, it was impossible.

Lynnea looked towards McGonagall who had an angry look on her face. She turned her wand towards Fred making him go back to normal as she instructed Roger to head down to the hospital wing to get checked.

"Go sit down Miss Ilves!" McGonagall angrily instructed.

Lynnea made her way down to her spot beside the still surprised looking, Fred.

"Sorry, Fredster thought you'd look better that way, seems I was wrong... you're quite the sight to look at right now though" she just grinned towards the flustered looking boy. She did hear him mutter something under his breath that sounded like 'show off' but she pushed the thought away as Lee asked her something.

"How come she isn't tearing you a new one Lynnea?" Lee Jordan curiously asked. She was wondering that herself but she had come to the most obvious conclusion.

"Well, she couldn't really could she? She asked for a demonstration of my abilities herself" Lynnea laughed along with George and Lee while Fred only came with a slight chuckle.

The rest of the Transfiguration class Lynnea helped the boys properly do the spell to transfigure their hedgehogs. She made slight adjustments here and there. By the end of class, she felt they were almost able to do it well enough to practically try out to spell.

At that moment the bell rang and Lynnea headed towards the hospital wing with her Ravenclaw friends. They had to go and check that Roger was okay of course. Rushing down the stairs and turning corners with immense speed.

As they hastily walked along the corridors she bumped into a hard chest. She looked up into a pair of blue eyes.

"Where are you all going in such a hurry?" Cedric asked the Ravenclaws.

"I put Roger in the hospital wing, we're gonna go check up on him" Lynnea answered a bit sheepishly.

"Well I'll tag along then, how'd you manage to put him in there?" He asked the small girl curiously.

"Ah well wasn't my fault really, the dumb guy just like playing with fire" Lynnea started laughing as did her other friends. Cedric on the other hand was just looking even more curiously at her.

"Hmm you're a fiery girl indeed, I'll have to be careful" Cedric leant down and whispered in her ear as they walked along the corridor.

"I might ignite something new in you Ceddie, watch out" she softly said as she winked at him. Cedric cleared his throat and stood up a bit straighter. Lynnea snaked her arms around one of his as she dragged him along after her friends that had picked up their speed.

She could feel his muscles and was slightly surprised at how firm they were. With his robes on he looked thin but it seems that in reality, his body was quite toned. The young pair were making their way through the castle while laughing and smiling at each other.

As they entered the hospital wing they could see Roger sitting on a bed with Owen on his right and Sander sitting with Nova on a bed in front of them. Roger just glared at Lynnea while he smiled over at Cedric.

"Oh come on Rogie you can't deny it was funny" Lynnea softly said, Roger had gotten the hair on his head back, but his eyebrows were still just a stubble.

"Just you wait until I do the same to you" he had an angry look on and Lynnea started getting a little scared. Just then Roger changed his demeanour and started laughing at Lynnea's face. She just let him laugh, she couldn't deny she'd been a tiny bit rude to him, maybe.

"Yeah, Yeah, get it all out big boy" she smiled at him.

"Sooo what are we going to do now that we don't have classes for the rest of the day?" She asked the group.

"Well me and a couple of guys were going for a swim in the lake before dinner, you guys are welcome to tag along if you want to," Cedric said to the group, but he was looking at Lynnea the whole time.

"I wouldn't mind going for a swim" she answered the tall boy.

"You coming guys?" She asked her Ravenclaw friends.

"We already have so much homework we have to get done, we'll catch up with you at dinner" As Lynnea and Cedric made their way out of the hospital wing she could hear hushed whispers coming from her friends. Including Roger yelling 'NO, Lynn and Cedric!' In a disbelieving voice, he was quickly shushed by Nova. 

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