Sunday Funday

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- A gentle, mild breeze. Never disrupting nor causing chaos but merely bringing a pleasant sensation on a warm summer day


Saturday went by much too quickly, and with quidditch training taking up most of Sunday, Lynnea was left with only Sunday evening to decode the letter her mom had sent her.

'Most of the pods were interfered with on the way. We have to see what they turn out to be in 6 months when they bloom.

This was for sure talking about what had happened to Sturgis Podmore, after reading the paper she had been sure of that. He had been found trying to break into The Department of Mysteries, after all. What worried her was the next line.

'Dearest uncle is out having fun. Alex' favourite pig is constantly out looking for him, they seem to have become friends.' 

Her uncle was not a true Death Eater and would not care about staying on the low like the others. The man was imprudent, dangerous and terribly skilled at magic. Had he killed someone already? 

"What're you looking at!?" Morgan shouted right next to her, causing her to jump up and knock over her water bottle. Luckily, the cap was still on.

"Christ Morgs, leave it to you to scare me to death," She laughed while the boy gave her a daring look.

"What?" Lynnea asked with a confused voice while folding the letter from her mom and putting it back in her pocket.

"I've found something fun to do," He said before dragging her out of the common room by her wrists. It looked like he was dragging her towards The Great Hall which just made her even more curious.

"Cleo, Roger and Owen are coming as well," He grinned before the pair sat down at the Ravenclaw table in front of Roger and Owen. Both of them were already smiling at her.

"Where are we going?" Lynnea tried asking again in confusion.

"Somewhere fun, Lynn," Roger laughed and sent her a wink, she was definitely not getting anything out of him, and from the look on Owen's face, he was not telling either.

"Eat first and then we go," Morgan said before shovelling a large amount of roasted chicken onto his plate.

The three boys all made sure to stay clear of the subject throughout all of dinner. Lynnea was sure, that just when Owen was finally about to crack, Morgan decided that they were done eating. 

He once again was about to drag her out of The Great Hall but the group was stopped this time by Fred and George, both of them still in their quidditch jerseys.

"Where are you going?" Fred asked her, his voice was not angry or tense but his eyebrows were furrowed.

"I don't know. Somewhere with Morgan, Roger, Owen and Cleo," She smiled at him and his face softened while he began scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, I just thought. Well, we haven't spent a lot of real time together so..." Fred tried but he seemed unable to actually say what he wanted to.

"I got quidditch tomorrow but we can hang out after." Lynnea pulled on his sweater and kissed his cheek before Morgan once again dragged her along.

"And what are we doing here?" Lynnea asked. The group had made it down to The Great Lake and had now, for whatever reason, started to walk around it, they had been walking for quite some time actually.

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