"Hey! I'll make you a deal..." He gripped the bar and held up a card, "unlock this cell and I'll give you this" his voice seemed to almost be panicking. "There's no other way outta that parking garage! Believe me!" his voice quickened as he tried explaining himself.

"Sorry... I can't do that. I have to talk to the chief first" Leon was cold, it was understandable but Y/n's heart sunk and the man shook his head. "Leon..." she looked up at him but before she could say anything more the creaking returned as if a door was opening.

"Look, we're all prisoners in this station," he was clearly starting to panic now, "So either we play nice and help each other out--" another lot of loud creaking interrupted his scared freak out "Shit. It's coming," He looked into the darkness, the direction of the creaking.

"What- What's coming?" Leon got closer to the cell, grabbing it with one hand, still a tight grip on Y/n's with his other, while the man backed up into a wall.

"C'mon--C'mon, Don't be an asshole... ok? you need this!" He held the card as he backed into the wall, "Leon, we don't even know if the Chief's alive..." Y/n pulled at his hand giving him a look, hoping he'll help.

"Just get me the fuck outta here!" His voice was angry, but only because he seemed scared, frightened. "Leon--" a massive crash streamed through the room, Y/n jumped into Leon, who quickly wrapped his arms around her.

Fog or dust was surrounding the cell, a large hand holding the unknown man's face as the man struggled and fought against the hand. Leon let go of Y/n's hand and pulled out his pistol, but as he did the man was dragged up the wall.

the wall is absolutely destroyed, and the man was kicking his legs back and forth in a fit for freedom, Y/n gripped the bars of the jail shaking them violently, for no reason, no point. The giant hand squeezed tightly, but it looked like no biggie for it.

Y/n and Leon flinched, jumped out of their skin.

His head squashed.

Blood splattered.

His head was caved in.

It was disgusting.

His body fell to the ground, "Oh, my god..." Leon muttered in disbelief. Y/n stared, Leon's huffing beside her, the massive wall was now empty, and large heavy footsteps slowly faded.

"Y/n?" He looked over at her, as she just stared at his body, "we could have saved him..." she muttered, still in obvious shock, "I couldn't do anything without a--" "YES! You could have! fuck we don't even know if this chief of yours is even still fucking alive Leon!" she turned to him tears in her eyes.

Leon's eyes widened, "we just let another innocent man die... to whatever the FUCK that thing was with the big ass hand" Y/n cried out throwing her hands in different directions as she gestured.

"Y/n..." Leon approached her slowly, "No! stay away from me" Y/n pulled her arms to her chest stepping away from Leon, "we could have avoided his death... gotten the card and left" Y/n sniffled.

She closed her eyes tightly as tears of frustration left her eyes. "It's been a long night already... I get it" Leon tried to soothe her, she shook her head violently. Leon leapt forward and embraced the upset girl.

"Y/n... it's okay, even if we helped him out, whatever that was, would probably still look for him" Leon muttered sadly. Loud footsteps or the sound of heel meeting floor rushed through Leon and Y/n's ears, Leon spun around, holding his pistol up to the sound, keeping Y/n behind him.

"Who is that?!" he called out in a demanding voice, "It's just me, so you can put that thing away" the mystery woman returned in her fancy heels and coat, strutting towards them, her short hair flung slightly. Leon lowered his gun back to his side, while the woman approached the cell.

Almost Inevitable Death (Leon Kennedy x Reader re2)Where stories live. Discover now