~Chapter 1~

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The young girl arose from her deep sleep with a yawn and rubbing her eyes, a yucky Tuesday morning, she had an awful feeling in the bottom of her stomach, not a cramping feeling, not a hungry feeling, she sighed and laid back down trying to pass away the feeling that made her want to hurl.

"Y/N? Wake up sleepyhead" a soft voice spoke with a laugh, it was one of her friends, and roommates, "Tracyyyy I feel weird" the girl complained as she shoved her head into her pillow, the door creaked open. "I can't mother you today Y/N! It's the first day of my new job!" she frowned at her groaning friend.

"I knowww, I'm sowwy" Y/N cried, Tracy worked as a mechanic or at least was going to, it was always a hobby of hers, mechanics, but she only recently decided to follow her hobbies into a dream. Y/N on the other hand.. she worked at a few places, to which she planned in calling sick for today, she had 2 jobs, to which fit perfectly together, days she worked in the supermarkets, nights she worked as a medic, nothing big! A small-time medic.

Today happened to be a day she worked both, she groaned in annoyance as she grabbed for her phone, Tracy laughed, "wish me luck Y/N love ya! Muah" Tracy giggled, Y/N turned to face her and smiled softly while blowing her a kiss "Good luck bby!" And waved her off.

She sat up in her bed and the feeling gradually got worse, she definitely couldn't come in today. She called up her market first, as she had work in about 2 hours, she flipped open the cell phone dialling it in.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" Y/N's Managers voice sunk into her ear, "Hey Sarah! Just calling about my shift... I'm feeling really uneasy, and as I could hurl at any moment, I really can't come into work today" Y/N spoke slowly to get what she was saying across, Sarah was quite understanding, she wasn't the worse manager in the world, but she was strict with work. "If you really can't I understand, you've worked hard without a shift off for the past 2 months, take it off!" Sarah sounded like she was happy! Or at least in a good mood. "thank you.." Y/n mumble groaned as the pain grew.

"I've gotta get back to work, thanks for letting me know! Take care love!" Sarah said before hanging up, Y/N removed the phone from her ear with a stupid look on her face. She must be happy...

Next was the medical clinic, she wasn't too important and or needed there, she was sort of a backup who still got paid, dialling the number to one of her coworkers.

"Hey, Andrew!" Y/N started tiredly with a happy tone, "Y/N didn't expect to hear your voice until you walked through those doors with a stupid smile on your face ready for your shift" he responded, which made Y/N laugh, "yeah. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, considering you haven't started your shift yet I presume, but I can't make it today... I'm feeling, uneasy, unsteady, somethings off" Y/n spoke trying to make her feelings explainable.

"Did you eat something bad?" Andrew asked he was always one of the best doctors there, "no, at least I don't think so! I'm not sure what's wrong with me" Y/n laughed softly "Yeah, that's not your normal soft laugh" Andrew seemed to agree "take care! I'll explain everything and make sure your all set. Don't go getting sick or anything!" Andrew laughed "haha, yes! Goodbye Andy! Hopefully, 'll see you tomorrow!" she stated to which Andrew replied with a simple and yet confused hopefully and hung up.

He must've gotten distracted, but with what? He wasn't at work yet?

Did he sound confused, busy?

Y/N's pit grew, a feeling of guilt maybe, frustration, whatever it was, she wanted to cry, and her smile turned into a frown, she decided to dial her friend, who would probably still be in the car, nonetheless she picked up.

"Y/N? Hey, hat's up?" Tracy spoke simply,
Car beeping was obvious background noise.
"I don't know.." Y/N nervously spoke
"be careful? Please... I'm scared" Y/N continued, she wasn't sure what she was saying.
"careful? Of what?" her friend laughed softly, "I'll be fine if this traffic can get moving!"
Tracy yelled the last part and sighed
"traffics horrible out here.. Your so glad your feeling like shit, no work for you!"
Tracy groaned as she patiently waited.
"it's not normally bad at all.."
Y/N mumbled confusedly.
"really? Maybe road works.." Tracy groaned
Y/N didn't feel that
"can... Can you come home" Y/N sulked
"Y/N... You know how important this is to me"
Tracy reasoned
"Tracy... Please, I don't want you out there, not today" Y/N begged and pleaded, to which Tracy sighed.
"Okay, when I can, I'll do a Uey (u-turn)"
Tracy gave in.
"But I swear to god Y/N if-"
She was interrupted by loud banging on her window
"hey! My guy what the fuck do you think you're doing?! That's my window!" Tracy shouted
"Tracy get out of there!" Y/n cried
"Y/N I gotta deal with this asshole, I'll call you back" Tracy sighed
She was cut off by the phone hanging up.

Almost Inevitable Death (Leon Kennedy x Reader re2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz