~Chapter 14~

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"Okay, wonder where the G-virus is in this place" Y/n spoke peaking around the new room, "this place is awfully clean for, 'probably infested with zombies'" Y/n noted as she walked over to the reception desk. "You have a point unfortunately" Leon sighed, following behind Y/n. 

"Nap room log" Y/n spoke as she sat down at the desk, "A nap sounds nice..." Y/n daydreamed of the next time she'd take a nap. 


18545 Toby Jackson
Entered: 03:44 Left: 07:31

18545 Sara Takahashi
Entered: 14:51 Left: 07:08

18547 Walt Paige
Entered: 12:03 Left: 13:36

18548 Anthony White
Entered: 12:05 Left: 12:48

18549 Cyril Archer
Entered: 18:01 Left: 20:21

18550 Desmond Lock
Entered: 18:04 Left: 19:58

18551 Wayne Li
Entered: 20:16 Left: --:--


"So someone didn't even get to leave their nap before all this started" Y/n pulled a sad face, "possibly still alive?" Leon asked  as he walked into the backroom, "I doubt it, zombies would've found a way in I'd assume" she shut him down as she joined him in the backroom, he picked up a new piece of paper. 


This research facility uses the latest security technology in order yo ensure employee safety and efficient business practices.
In order to enter and exit the facility, and to operate certain equipment, employees must use an ID Wristband.
There are three levels of access:
1. Visitor
2. General Staff
3. Senior Staff

Authentication is granted based on and electronic chip inside the wristband. The wristband access levels can be changed by simply inserting a different electronic chip.
Visitor wristbands can be given to family members of employees. Please enquire at reception for further details.


"I've had enough readinggg" Y/n complained, "it's not that much really, but that's our next step, locating a general staff chip" Leon says taking off pretty quickly, "hey hey hold it, we don't even know where we're going, can we just, take it slow while we walk around spooky laboratory that made this virus" Y/n grabbed his arm. 

"We take it slow, we go together, no rushing into our deaths" she scolds him, Leon lets out a sigh, "okay, okay, you take the lead then" he offered, which she gladly did, "Fine, keep up though" she spoke holding her head high as she wandered toward the door opposite the reception desk. 

Leon picked up some shotgun shells while Y/n investigated the desk. "Fuck yes!" Y/n exclaimed, "what, did you find something?" Leon came around the table behind her, "a map of the north wing or something, but this is where we are" she says pointing out the security room on the map. 

"So down here..." "is the nap room" Y/n finished already halfway out the door, "what did we say about rushing off" Leon was now scolding her, "I just wanna get out of here" she spoke opening the next door, to complete darkness. 

"Never mind, I'm happy staying here" she closed the door, and sat her ass on the floor, "what, scared of the dark?" Leon raised a brow with a cocky smile, "creepy dark hallway probably crawling with zombies... no i'm not scared at all!" she snapped with a pout. 

"Come on" Leon held out his hand, "we'll be fine, we have each other" he gave a soft smile that just about made Y/n's heart melt, she almost died on the spot. Y/n took Leon's hand and he helped her off the floor, neither let go as Leon went through the door into the dark, he pulled out his flashlight to lead the way. 

Almost Inevitable Death (Leon Kennedy x Reader re2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ