Draco: This will be even more fun.
(He said as he leaned against you hungrily looking into your eyes and then at your lips.)

(You dropped all your bags on the floor, not caring anymore and you started kissing him lightly, and then he depended the kiss.  He grabbed your waist as he touched with his other free hand your whole body and he pushed you onto his bed. You smiled seductively, challenging him, as he moved closer to you. (You can imagine what happened next)  The next day, you woke up and you turned around facing him as you stared and smiled at his handsome face.  You pushed aside a few strands of hair that were on his face, then wrapped your hand around him, holding him tight, never wanting to let go. He suddenly opened his grey, dazzling eyes as you stared at him. )

You: Morning, love. 

Draco: You are prettier than the sunshine. (He said in a low, sexy voice.  You blushed and kept staring at his eyes, in which you completely got lost in. )

You: I'm going to get dressed, we will miss breakfast.  (As you got out of bed, a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you back. )

Draco: Who cares about breakfast anyway? (He say as he pulled you and you fell on top of him, wearing just your underwear from last night.)

(You put your hands on his chest, staring into his eyes. The eyes that you fell in love with. He rapped his both hands around your waist as he kissed you gently. )

You: Now can we go? I am starving. 

Draco: Fine, but I didn't get enough of you. 

You: There is never enough.
(You said as you smiled at him, making his heart long for you even more. After getting dressed, you went downstairs and sat at the Gryffindor table next to the new group. )

You: Morning. 

Draco: Morning. 

All: Hi!

Ginny: How was your date yesterday? 

You: Great, oh, Harry, here is the map, and thank you. (You said almost whispering as you gave him the map under the table. )

Harry: Any time. 

------ Meanwhile... 

Pansy: Is it done? Do you have it? 

???: As you wished Miss Parkinson. 

Pansy: Great. Do you have a copy of it? 

???: Yes, of course.

(She looked out the window and a wide, evil smile appeared on her face. She was convinced that her plan would not fail, it would work and she would get what she wanted for so long. Draco Malfoy. )

Pansy: Nothing can stop me now...I will ruin Christmas for all of them...you know I am starting to like Christmas. 

------ *Three more days till holiday is over* 

Ginny: So, guys, today is Christmas Eve, we should definitely do something together. 

You: Couldn't agree more. But not outside Hogwarts, I have had enough of it. (You said as you smiled at Draco. )

Ron: Whe cn pih a show fighbt. (He said with his mouth full. )

Draco and Blaise: What? 

Harry: He said that we can have a snowball fight. 

Hermione: You know...you're actually good at this, you should be a translator for Ron, I mean he is always eating. (She said as she rolled her eyes, everyone started laughing with tears.  The day passed pretty quickly because everyone felt good together, it was almost Christmas Eve.  Suddenly you felt a hand pulling you back. Draco grabbed your waist tight, as he leaned closer and whisper in your ear. )

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