Chapter 47

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Hey guys just to be clear so no one is confused, the black text the bold one I'm using now is inside of Y/n's head.

(I was begging to die. Begging her to stop. It felt so painful that it stopped. I couldn't feel my body anymore. I though I was dead.)

Draco: What is she doing here?! She had a lot of courage in my opinion...

Y/n Well no one cares about your opinion.

(A sharp pain pierced through my head and I was screaming so loud, I was amazed I still had a voice.)

Y/n: No, no, no. Make it stop!

Draco: Imperius

Loud music filled my senses, driving me even more crazy,

(And it felt like the entire world was working against me...)

Y/n: Please make it stop

(I tried again, every last drop of hope dripping, until it reached the last one. Because when we remain with no hope, the exhaustion of trying is crumbling us like a piece of paper, the. Something unexpected happens that changes the entire curse of life. A spark.)

(She stopped. Bellatrix stopped, but things got worse.)

Draco: Ouuuu, someone's jealous.

Y/n: I bet you've been waiting a long time to say that, am I wrong?

(It was all in my mind. It's not him. My body was shaking on the floor,trying to feel my hands which were brutally trembling, I had no vision.)

Draco: You look... gorgeous

Y/n: Thank you.

(I grabbed my hair and started pulling it, as tears were streaming down my face. I needed to know it was real.)

Draco: I love you Y/n.

Lucius: Sectumsempra!

Y/n: Nooo!

Draco's body fell numb on the ground blood spiralling the floor.

Y/n: Please!

I was laughing like I've never seen myself before. Draco was chasing me, and suddenly I was trapped l, my laughter fading away.

Draco: See who's laughing at the end? Me.

He said, words were sinking into my soul, warming my heart.

I was pressed against the tree, his hands on either side of me, preventing me from running again.

Then he started tic killing me. But that kind of tickle you would do anything to get away.

Y/n: S-stop.

Draco: What? What was that?

He pretended and I laughed so much my stomach hurt.

Y/n: Please, please stop.

I begged

Draco: No, tell me who's gonna win tomorrow and then I'll let you go.

He chuckled eyes were glimmering with diamonds in the darkness.

Y/n: Alright, Slytherin is gonna win.

He released me and I breathed hard, then started laughing as he held a triumphant smirk on his face.

Y/n: What?

Draco: We're gonna win.

He said simply and I playfully rolled my eyes.

Y/n: Fine, but Harry and the others do have a shot, you can't deny it.

I couldn't quite choose between my boyfriend and best friends, it was hard.

He rolled his eyes and smiled.

Draco's POV
( My heart was beating so fast I thought that it would pop out of my chest. My breathing was accelerating my fist were shackled.)

She wasn't moving

Draco: Let me go! Right this instant!

(I yelled, but no one heard me, not even from the bal. She must of casted a silence charm.)

(Bellatrix stopped the torture, brows slightly furrowing. She noticed it too.)

Draco: Y/n! What the fuck did you do? I swear I'm gonna kill you myself!

(Bellatrix just rolled her eyes, but something else sparkles in them. Terror. I never saw It before. But it was because she could go to Azkaban again, not because she cared. She never did, just when it came to herself.

Draco: Let me-

( I couldn't finish she casted the spell and released me, and I never cared to address another word to her at that point. I knelt beside Y/n and checked her pulse, tears filling my eyes within seconds.

Draco: No,no,no, no

(I whispered, m vision blurred, my soul ready to leave this world.)

I love you (I remembered these three words leaving her lips)

( I closed my eyes)

Draco: Expecto Patronum

Authors Note
Hey guys how is everyone sorry I haven't been on lately and for taking so long to post I have been very busy but I will try to be on as much as possible I hoped you liked this chapter

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