Part 35

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< Omg I love this pic so much!!

(A few days have passed and every time I saw Draco, sadness sourrounded me. The way he was treating me through avoiding me, it was more than words could speak. And I got it...he didn't want me in his presence, in his life.)

(Funny thing, is that I've known him for almost a week, but my soul, my mind, my whole being was telling me something else. This curiosity I had in me it haunted me every second of my life. And trust me, I've tried to avoid it, I've tried to run away, hide in the darkness but no use. It keeps coming back no matter what I do. No matter how much I try, I still want to know what happened. And it's almost a state of desperation...when you want to found out something, but you know that is never gonna happen. So I've took a decision, the only thing I could do for the future. I took an empty notebook and started writting there every single feeling that occured in that day, every importantat conversation...every stare of Draco Malfoy. When he was staring at me, he was looking into my soul, feeling that he was trying to find something, to dig deep to find a crumb of memory left in me, but he always let his head fall downwards disappointed.)

(I felt the need to talk to him, to let him now how I feel about this whole situation, but in the words came out.  My hand started to hurt from the writing, so I let the quill fall on the desk and jumped into the bed, covering myself with the blankets, wanting to forget about everything and just lose myself into a good book.)

(Then I saw him...I saw him exiting the bathroom. It were seconds, but felt like hours. The way he looked at me, had different meanings behind it, ones that he was probably waiting for me to discover. I blinked in slow motion, but in reality it was a quick blink so I can look at him properly and not waste anytime. I felt my mouth water as his wet platinum blonde hair fell on his eyes, his hand running through it adjusting it back. His perfect muscular torso, his waist wrapped into a green towel and his v line drove me crazy...almost like he knew it already and did in purpose.)

(I saw him smirk and realized I was staring for too long, but he didn't dare say a word...not after those days that passed in complete silence. Then his gaze fell on my diary, and with that stupid smirk, that somehow intimidated me,he took big steps towards my desk. Crap, I forgot my diary there!  I tossed the book away and approached him rapidly, but he was already holding it and reading, his smirk grewing wider with every word he read.)

Y/n: Leave it Malfoy! (I finally talked and tried to snatch it from his hands but he streched his arm above his head, were I couldn't reach.)

Draco: Look, she talks! (He mocked me and I rolled my eyes.)

Y/n: I could say the same thing about you! (I fought back and crossed my arms to my chest.)

Draco: Y/l/n what boy are talking about here? (He said smirking and knew too well it was him, he just loved teasing me.  My gaze went downwards again, I just couldn't help myself, I have to admit it already, that...he is irresistible.)

Draco: See something you like, princess? (He chuckled and jumped again, trying to catch my journal back.)

Y/n: Oh, please, I know you're doing it on purpose. (I speaked matter of factly.)

(His smirk grew again raising his eyebrows. I pressed my lips into a thin line. Great, I just fell into his trap. I practically approved it had an impact on me...)

Y/n: Just give it back...(I jumped one last time, and from the tiredness, I stepped crookedly, letting a small groan out of pain and the only thing that I could hold onto, was him. I fell on him, as he lost his balance, obviously not ready for this move, falling backwards along him.)

(Our lips were centimiters appart, his blue eyes bore into mine as I blinked quickly, very uncomfortable from the position we were in. I was on top of him and the seconds felt like a never ending time, and surprisingly, he didn't move a finger to try shove me off, or yell at me telling me it's my fault. No. We just stayed there staring at each other like it was a normal, usual thing to do.)

Draco:Umm...I–(He said, vizibly uncomfortable from the fact that he was also half naked.)

Y/n: Yeah, sorry. (I said and realized that my hands were on his chest.  I took them away and he almost startled like I just woke him up from day-dreaming.)

(With a quick motion I got up, but it didn't took long until I felt my ankle hurt and I leaned myself on the bed, grabbing it firmly.)

Draco: Are you ok? (He asked approaching me.  He shove my hand away and took my ankle in his hands, examining it as I no longer was interested or felt any pain. I was focused now on his cold touch that brough shivers down my spine, secretly craving for more.  He walked to his night stand and grabbed his wand, kneeling in front of me.)

Draco: May I?

(The way he asked it, I couldn't possibly deny it, whatever it was. I noded slowly, giving him permission and he muttered a spell under his breath, pointing his wand to my ankle.)

Draco: There, test it. (I got up and started walking slowly, deep down trusting him and doing this 'test' just to convince him. Of course my ankle was as good as new and I smiled.)

Y/n: Urm..thank you. You would make a  a great healer. 

Draco: Yeah, thanks. (He answered quickly, rubbing the back of his neck.)

Draco POV
(Her touch made me feel alive again, made me myself again, because after all, she is the one that brough out the best of me. Trusted me when no one did, see the good in me and most of all...loved me.  I can't forget her, as much as I tried, my heard refuses to. Would she ever love me again?)

I all I hope you all are well I hope you enjoy this chapter love you all!!

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