Chapter three

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(Picture of Athena's outfit above ^)

Athena's P.O.V

Its been a few weeks since my first visit with prison 124 and I haven't stopped thinking about him since, I'll be in the middle of doing a report or doing some paperwork and inappropriate thoughts of what I would like to do with him flood my mind so I've decided to go pay him a visit and take care of these inappropriate thoughts. I ignore the cat calls a whistles from the prisoners as I make my way to 124's cell. I stop infront of the gaurd that's gaurding his cell " Warden" He says and I nod at him " 124 in his cell?" The gaurd turns and opens the eye slot looking into the cell. He closes the slot " Yes he is warden"

I nod " Open it then" He gives me a concerned look " But warden hes not in shackles" I raise my eyebrow at him " Are you refusing to obay the order I just gave you?" I cross my arms over my chest "N-No warden but its not safe for you to be In his cell without him being in shackles" " Just open the door officer or you will be terminated" he gulps at my threat and turns around and unlocks the cell door and opens it. I walk in and look at the gaurd " Close the door" He does as I order and closes the door.

I look at the bed infront of me to see 124 laying there reading " Nice to see you again warden" He says from behind his book " What gives me the honor of you're visit?" He asks as he puts his book down and sits up. His eyes move up and down my body taking in my outfit. His eyes meet mine and he smirks " Isn't that outfit a little inappropriate to be wearing at work?" I roll my eyes and slowly walk over to him. I smirk when I see him gulp and sit up more.

I stop a little ways from the edge of his bed and he moves a little so that he's sitting on the edge of his bed. I set the manilla envelope down on his desk and step a little closer to him "do you really think I care that it's a little inappropriate for me to wear an outfit like this to work? " I step closer to him stopping infront of his legs "no I don't think you care, but you are surrounded by nothing but males in this prison and in an outfit like that one of us could get the wrong idea" He says

I laugh a little "yes That is true but I didn't wear this outfit for the other males in this prison" He gives me a confused look but I ignore the look and put my hand on his chest pushing him back slightly so that he's leaning on his elbows. I pull my skirt up a little and straddle his waist "since our first visit I haven't been able to stop these certain kind of thoughts  about you from flooding my mind" I say as I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it over my head, dropping it onto the ground.

I watch as 124's eyes move from mine down to my black lace covered breasts " Really? And what certain kind of thoughts are those?" He asks looking back into my eyes " Very inappropriate ones" I reach behind me to unclasp my bra but 124 grabs my wrist stopping me " wait" " what?" I ask and he runs a hand through his hair " we can't do this" I cross my arms over my chest " and why not?" He looks at me " because your the warden and I'm a prisoner, its not right. Plus if anyone found out I could be transferred or worse you could loose your job"

I sigh and run a hand through my hair " so your telling me that your gonna deny the chance to fuck me?" He nods " yes" I roll my eyes and get off his lap and pick up my shirt. I look at him " so you're sure you want to deny the chance to fuck me? Even with me standing half naked infront of you?" I watch as his mouth opens to say something but he closes it as he lays there thinking. He looks at me again " Fuck no, I'd have to be fucking stupid to deny the only chance I might get to fuck a beautiful woman that's standing infront of me half naked" He says grabbing my waist pulling me back onto his lap and his lips crash against mine in a heated kiss. I moan into the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck.

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