〔LEMON〕【Library Finds and First Times~】

Start from the beginning

It was two Trolls, one purple and one green, blushing and holding hands, surrounded by three layers of a big red heart.

Holy shit, you can't believe the answers to your most avoided question is literally in your hands!....

You quickly looked around, making sure no one was near you... then because paranoia is a bitch, you crept over to the end of the aisle and peeked out towards the center of the library... where Poppy and Branch were at each other's throats competing in story-time while the kids watched on in sadistic amusement.

Good. Everyone's distracted.

A silent, evil, chuckle left you as you hurried back to the very back of the library, out of sight... and out of mind~

You flipped open the scrapbook to the first page, which showed the same two Trolls from the cover, still holding hands and blushing, but this time, they had bubble-texts showing they were speaking.

"I'm ready!"

"Me too!"

... there was nothing else on the first page, so you flipped it to the next, and found actual writing this time.

'Do you have no way to tell your child what Cuddling is? Are you too embarrassed to make a scrapbook for them? Or maybe you are the Troll looking for answers? Well! Today's your lucky day! For I, an anonymous Troll, have created this scrapbook to help you!'

There was a cut out of a cloaked figure, a bubble-text hovering above them. "Yay! I'm Mysterious! Let's get down to business!"

You looked to the next page, which held those blushing, hand-holding, Trolls again.

'So, first things first! The act of Cuddling is only reserved for the Troll you plan to spend a long time with! Romantic, right? Well, Cuddling is the best way to show you love them, after all!'

Weird... and also still doesn't makes sense why everyone's so keen on shutting you up whenever you even begin on trying to ask about it-

'But when you truly find the one Troll you wish to show your love to in full, and you're ready to make the commitment, that's where Cuddling comes into play!

Cuddling sets the bond! And links you together in harmony!'

You flipped the page, showing those two bastards that were on the cover, now stroking each other's hair, still blushing.

'The first step to Cuddling is to get your partner in the mood! Begin by stroking their hair! But don't mistake this for friendship hair stroking! This is romantic hair stroking! They are sometimes very hard to tell apart, and are often mistaken for friendly hair stroking, so to avoid this awkward outcome, make sure to penetrate the hair! Don't just stroke the outside- don't be afraid to dip your fingers in!!'

You couldn't help the snort that left you when you read this whole paragraph... penetrate the hair?! What the fuck! You don't know why that's so funny, but those are some words you never thought would be put together!

'Once you both know that this is what the two of you want, the next step is to serenade them! Sing them a song from the depths of your very being that becomes the very embodiment of your love for your partner!'

It showed a cut out of the purple Troll on top of the green one, musical notes leaving the top's mouth while the bottom blushed...

Oh hell, that would definitely be a problem... if shit ever ends up going that far, then you'll have to improvise with some Human ways-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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