《①⓪》'You Get a Regret! And You Get a Regret! Oh! And You Get a-'

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After some kick-ass beats from the Funk Trolls about how Pop Trolls are some bitch-ass thieves and your favorite crazy old dude lied about the tooth-floss situation, and a case of Poppy giving you a short heart attack when she jumped up on the stand where the Funk tooth-floss is and thinking she was about to try and take it for her cause,

The rock Trolls showed up!

And you, Branch, Poppy, and Hickory got yeeted out of there in bubbles. With you getting stuck in a bubble with Branch and Poppy, and Hickory getting bubble bumped out of existence.

"Poppy, (Y/n)..." Branch got both your attentions while you were reminiscing the last few minutes... and you seen some flying angler-fish looking things playing rock music.

"Damn... that's cool." You mumbled, earning some looks from Poppy and Branch.... you shrugged in response.

"No!" Poppy tried to pop the bubble when she seen the Rock Trolls invading the Funk Troll base... and honestly, good thing she couldn't, 'cause that'd definitely be the end for all three of you. "We have to get back there! There's still hope!"

"Uhhh, Poppy. Stop pushing on the bubble. That fall will kill us." You spoke up, watching as the pink Troll only made a frustrated noise. "But we can fix this!"

"Can't fix it if we're dead, genius." You shot back, crossing your arms and suddenly remembering why you were mad at Poppy.

"Poppy, that's enough! (Y/n)'s right, we won't survive the fall if you pop that bubble!" Branch joined in, and on your side too! Wow, what an achievement!

You mentally high-fived yourself.

"We have to get back to Troll Village! It's time to go home!" Branch said, a face full of concern, most likely for the Trolls back home, and you nodded in agreement.

"I'm not like you two! I can't give up!" Poppy exclaimed, waving her hands around like she was making sense... which she wasn't.

"Give up?" Branch had a look of disbelief on his face again, like he couldn't believe what was coming out of Poppy's mouth, and honestly, same. "I want to protect our friends and family!"

You were silent as you watched the two argue.

"I can't go home until I've proven myself as a good queen!" Poppy exclaimed.

Oop- there goes that 'I'm gonna sit this one out'  thing.

"Bruuuh, you did not  just say that." You glared, matching Branch's disappointment look with your own. "That's fucking selfish, even for me."

And Branch nodded along with you.

Poppy looked between the two of you, like she couldn't understand why you both were looking at her like that. "Why are you guys so upset by that?" She snapped, glaring at the two of you.

But she didn't give either of you time to answer before she rounded on Branch, fuming with undeserved anger. "And why do you always side with her?!" Poppy yelled, frustratedly pointing at you, who was floating somewhat between the two Trolls with your arms crossed.

"What?! I do not!-" Branch began, also frustrated as fuck and crossing his arms.

You were just kinda snapping your head side to side to keep up with the sudden change in argument, an eyebrow raised-

"Just because you have a crush on her doesn't mean you always have to take her side!"

.... wait wat...

Branch's mouth slacked in mortified disbelief, his widened eyes darting up to look at you, like he was hoping you hadn't heard that.... but you did, and you were wearing a face similar to that shocked pikachu meme-

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