《⑥》'Stabby sticks'

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You slept like shit.

Insomnia, who?

And you've never wanted to accidentally smother a bunch of people in snow like you did when you watched those three (four if you count the little worm-caterpillar dude-) little fuckers sleeping the cold away in a pile...

But like the reasonable adult you are, you resisted... barely...

The sun hadn't even come up yet when you decided to get a move on to try and find the end of the winter biome. You had scooped the sleeping pile of fruit loops and gently dumped them into the hot-air-balloon, which was awake... I don't think that thing sleeps...

But anyways, you began to walk in the direction that you all were heading last night before you stopped, the moon still creepily staring at you from where it was slowly sinking behind a mountain side.

'Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact-'

You looked. Still staring- fuck!

The hot-air-balloon was surprisingly quiet. Usually it would be giggling like some kind of lunatic on an acid trip or making some random comment about something or another... maybe it does sleep and it's doing that right now... maybe?

Eh, you don't care. You're more concerned about the fact that your tits are so cold that you could stab someone with them-

So with nothing more to talk about, you kept on marching through the snow, holding onto a rope attached to the hot-air-balloon so it doesn't get lost or left behind, and wishing for some kind of bomb to drop out of the sky and fall on you to put you out of your misery as you walked, hoping with each step, you're getting closer to some kind of tropical wonderland or something like that.


Soooo, it wasn't a tropical wonderland... it was just a bunch of fucking gold hills... and clouds... lots and lots of clouds... but hey, at least your tits aren't weapons anymore-


Oop- guess who's up. I'll give you a hint; he's obsessed with digging holes-

"Yeeee?" You responded, not bothering to look back as you continued to lead the flying basket by a rope.

"Have- how..." He sounded confused. "Where are we?" He questioned, and you could feel the rope slightly bouncing- then a weight on your shoulder and a hand gripping your hair.

You snorted. "Not a fuckin clue."

"What?! What do you mean you don't know?!" He suddenly yelled in your ear- and like, ow, kinda need to hear outta that.

"Shit- don't yell in my ear." You leaned your head away from him and slightly turned to look at him... but gave up when your vision wouldn't focus on him and just looked ahead of you to the path ahead. "But I don't know means I don't fucking know!" You quietly exclaimed, so you didn't wake the other sleeping passengers, you know, like the good clueless navigator you are!

Holy shit. You're fucking sleepy. But you know; Fuck sleep.

Am I right, or am I right? Eh, Eh?

"Have... you slept?" Branch suddenly interrupted your tired as fuck thoughts, looking concerned for your well being.. oh, how nice.

You shrugged the shoulder he wasn't standing on, making a dismissive noise in the back of your throat. "Nah, who needs sleep?"

.... "You do... You do (Y/n)..." He deadpanned at you, yet another disappointed mom look on his face.

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