6. At Grillby & Muffets'

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Prota sighed. The first few days when the dog guards went to Grillbys, they were ecstatic. Now they were sick of fast food, and trying to entertain themselves with the appearances of the patrons had died out when he realized they were all regulars.

Jaxlyn walked in, sitting down at the adjacent booth. "Hey, human. Prota, right? Yeah. uh, you okay? you look a little upset." she asked, setting down her bag. She didn't look too happy either. "Bored. And wondering how long until I get diabetes from always eating fast food. Does anyone here sell food that's healthy?"

Jaxlyn looked at prota quizzically, then shrugged. "Don't know what that one word meant, but monster food is as healthy as it gets."

Orchid glided over, completing the diner aesthetic with rollerblades. "Jaxlyn, what are you doing here? Typically you're training right now. What's up?" Jaxlyn groaned. "Just, you know, having a mental breakdown!" Jaxlyn grinned painfully. "Oof. My shift's over in a minute. Wanna talk about it? Human, what'll you have?" Prota mumbled their order.

"I mean, how do you guys even grow food? You don't have the sun to grow plants..." Jaxlyn shrugged. "We grow it with magic. The magic sort of reassigns the nutrients to help out with whatever you need most of, and you don't even have to worry about bathrooms."

Orchid was presently returning with Prota's order. She set the food down, before taking off her apron, sitting next to Jaxlyn. She looked at Jaxlyn pointedly. "So, what's so bad that you're not training today?" Jaxlyn hadn't ordered any food, she just held her head in her hands. "I don't even..." she sighed, putting her head on the table. Prota sat back, curious.

"Tell me. Is it about your training?" Jaxlyn nodded. "My mom gave Caveat the green light for training, but still won't let me do official training. So I'm just giving all my effort, no idea if it's worth anything." Jaxlyn tapped the table with her fingers. Orchid sighed, putting her hands together before pointing them at Jaxlyn. "Person. Look. look at me. Who cares? You're trying, right? So of course it's worth something. Don't let it get to you." Jaxlyn sits back, looking at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I guess. Just sort of irritating. Maybe you're right, but it's just annoying that Caveat gets to do official training. We all know his stats!" Orchid sighed. That had been a long day. During recess one day in eighth grade, their last year of school, Caveat had tried to summon some attacks, only for them to go out of control and nearly impale the teacher. Gave old Gerson a start. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't matter. You first, then worry about others, okay?" Orchid perched her head on all four of her hands, blinking slowly. Jaxlyn sighed. "Alright. I'll try. You really are the "parent-friend" of our group, you know that? Orchid laughed. "Alright, 'my child,' you taking the rest of the day off, or going back to training?"  Jaxlyn laughed, the laugh breaking into a snort, cueing Orchid to laugh harder, which only made Jaxlyn laugh even harder. it went on like this for a bit.

Jaxlyn wiped a tear from her eye, chuckling. Some of the other patrons were looking at the source of the noise. Jaxlyn shrugged and picked up her bag. "Probably taking the rest of the day off. You coming over later to watch anime with Alitze?" Orchid gave a quadruple thumbs up.

"Alright, see you. Bye." Jaxlyn walked out of the diner, trying to figure out how she'd use this day off.

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