8. Snowstorm

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I'm BACK, Y'ALL! writing this when I have an English project due tomorrow, but who cares?? I am so glad to be back! I've had a few things planned out for the story that I've been working on, so expect a lot of content at once for the next little bit here. just need to do final revisions. 

3rd person POV

A loud bang erupted from the room, a typical noise to hear in the Papyton mansion/hotel. "Neos, don't break anything." Caveat said, turning a page in his book as Neos proceeded to dive onto the couch opposite the group. "Too late!" Neos laughed. Caveat rolled his eyes and turned, trying to remember if Alitze or Melody had it last. He shrugged and passed it to Melody, who in turn immediately passed it to Alitze.

"Don't know why I bother, Neos is on a mission to break everything whether I tell him to or not." Caveat said. The four of them had been working together on writing a story for months, and every time the story became more and more ridiculous. Not that any of them were complaining. Besides, they hadn't been able to hang out as a group for a while since some drunk monster accidentally bumped Alitze and she started a fight and got injured.

A shrill shrieking noise pierced the air, followed by an aggravated yell. Seconds later, Willard walked into the room, a grin on his face. "Hi. Controllers are fixed." Willard set down some video game controllers, repaired after being yeeted into a wall by Neos. Caveat's eyes narrowed. Why did Willard insist on being a jerk to Carver then immediately turning around and being helpful and friendly to everyone else? He shook his head, thanking him. Neos jumped up from the couch, immediately booting up the TV. Caveat yawned. "You want to play something? I'm a bit creatively drained at this point. Melody shrugged. "Uh, sure. Alitze?"

Alitze packed the notebook into her bag. "Yeah, why not." 


 "DON'TYOUDAREDON'TYOUDARE!" Caveat leaned his controller sideways unnecessarily as his character rounded the bend of the road. Alitze grinned evilly, throwing an item which honed in on his car, stopping him and letting her pass. "Suffer," she said, passing the finish line in first place. Caveat set down the controller and sat back on the couch, holding his face in his hands. "You and your item smuggling. Nobody should ever have a homing item in second place! I had that, you cheater!" he grumbled. "Not cheating if they let you do it and it works." Neos said, tilting his head to the side and staring Caveat dead in the eye. Caveat countered with his own glare. Melody looked at the two half-skeletons, familiar with this routine. One of them would crack soon. A smile played at Caveat's lips, but he shook his head. Neos suddenly broke down laughing, followed by Caveat. "Alright, I'm hungry. Anyone else? Caveat said. Neos and Melody excitedly agreed, Alitze shrugging and nodding.

"Hey there Neos! What'll it be, Little buddy?" the cat monster at the counter asked with a pained smile. Burgerpants was still working his dead-end job working the counter at the MTT diner, or rather, PPT diner as it was called now. At least he wasn't the only one on counters now, his husband helped out too with the nice-cream, now a PPT brand item. Neos was already looking at the nicecream, holding his wallet. Nice Cream Guy was familiar with all of their regular orders, already having two of them ready. As opposed to Burgerpants, he was fairly happy with how things had turned out for him, MTT and Papyrus paid well, he got to work alongside his husband, and his job came with a free room in the hotel. He couldn't complain.

The group sat down at a table, Alitze having retrieved the notebook, began writing in it at a speed that might set the page on fire. Caveat looked at Melody. This couldn't be good. Something was about to devolve into chaos in the story again. Neos peered over Alitze's shoulder and burst out laughing. "juSt thaNK hiM FoR sAvIgn yOUR LIFe AnD stOp ComPlAiniNG aboUT YoUR cROissaNTS!" he read aloud. The other patrons in the room sighed, this nonsense being business as usual. Caveat chuckled, having given Alitze the idea for that line a week ago.

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