"Thank you?" I said and shrugged it off and headed inside his office.

"Ah, nice to see you again Bakugo," he greeted me and gestured me to have a seat in his chair in front of the desk.

"Mhm. So... you said you wanted to discuss about something, mind telling me what that's about?"

"Yes. It involves with our research." He said and looked out the window. "Tell me, what's coming up soon?"

"Huh? Um... would that be the Nobel Peace Prize Awards ceremony?"

"Yes, naturally, I still held the spot for the best scientific discovery, but lately I've been not finding new things in this world. What would a scientist do?"

"Sir, I'm no scientist, I'm a biologist." I pointed out.

"Does that matter? Just answer my damn question!" He demanded as he slams his fist on the desk.

"Okay... Scientists are people who discover and bring new hidden things to our world."

"Exactly, I need something new... something out of this water... I need a new species to discover!"

"There's hardly any species out there. It's unlikely you'll find one, but why start now until it will be time for the award ceremony?"

He turns around and faces me with a cold glare, "You can never start too early, I need to find something that will make me be written down in history!!"

"Is that all or can I go now?" He's really starting to get on my nerves. He waved his finger no at me.

"You're my assistant and I want you to find me a new species for the next award ceremony."

The hell?! What am I his slave? Why is he making me do everything for him while he just sits in his office? If he wants something, he should find it himself! "That's all for now Bakugo. You can go now." He shooed me away and I stormed out of his office and left the building.


Third POV

"Whoa! Really? Did you guys manage to stop them?" Asked the bubbly girl with brown hair.

"Yup! He's been banned from doing those kinds of activities to girls," replied the boy with spiky red hair. He then notices an old friend coming over and he rushes up to him and gave him a hug. "Hey Bakubro! What's up?! How's the whole biologist thing working out?"

"It's hell dumb hair... Hey Pinky!! Your shift is up! I need you to watch over Kota until I get back!"

The girl with pink hair popped out from the life house and soluted Bakugo and walked up to her car. "Bye boys and girl! See y'all tomorrow!!"

Bakugo and his friend walked into the life house and handed him his whistle. "Thanks Elbow guy."

"When will he ever call us by our real names?" The guy with long black hair asked the girl with pink cheeks.

"Who knows? He's the type who likes to give out nicknames for no reason." She replied while taking a sip of her slurpee.

"Okay, let me repeat this one more time! Their names are Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, Ochaco Uraraka, Mina Ashido who just left, and I'm Tenya Iida!!!" The guy shouted at Bakugo with robot hands in front of him.

"Hah? Stop reminding me Sonic." Iida face palms his forehead and sighs.

"It's fine. It's not like we can't stop him or anything. It's who he is," Kaminari pointed out. Bakugo takes off his dress shirt and goes behind the curtain to change into his swim trunks.

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