He's a Shank, I'm a Pansycake

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Callie, who ended up doing the assignment with a random boy, bows at the front.

"And that concludes our presentations," Mr. James announces. "Some have quite a lot of work to do," He looks at Callie. "Some have a little bit of editing to do," he looks at Luke The Blondie. "Some, however," he looks at Brayden and I. "Are almost set."

We glance at each other and smirk. Whoever said it sucked to be the teacher's pet is a filthy liar.

"Now I would like you to write your final drafts. Remember, there is no good writing. Only good rewriting."

This time I write Brayden a note. Hey, be at the library at four. I hand it to him.

I shouldn't be, since becoming partners with Brayden was a fluke, but I'm excited. Excited to finish this story. Excited to present. Excited to show what I can do. Excited to do it with Brayden.

It's natural to be excited, right? It's not like I'm in love with him. I'm just glad that I have someone that can actually help me improve my writing. And Brayden won't judge me as a fangirl. He can't, because he's a fanboy.

Brayden hands the note back to me with a little doodle of a thumbs up. I silently chuckle.

I just don't want to get too attatched. As soon as this assignment is over, everything will go back to the way things were.

Maybe we'll give each other the occaisional nod in the library. Maybe we'll give each other some kind of acknowledgement in the halls.

But that'll be it.


"Your shirt kind of makes me mad," I say when he walks in.

He's wearing a button-up denim shirt (he's always wearing some kind of button up shirt...) but he unbuttons it when he enters the library, revealing his fandom merch.

Today his hidden shirt says, It was books that made me feel that maybe I wasn't completely alone. I have the same one, but it seems unfitting for him to wear it.

"What? You were wearing this shirt the first day of school," he argues.

"Someone's observant," I snort.

His blush amuses me. "I was just surprised that someone would wear it loud and proud. And I was wearing mine, too, that day."

"You're nowhere near alone. You have a crowd of girls chasing after you. You have all the guys asking you to join their teams," I sigh, shaking my head. "You have Callie-freaking-Williams for goodness sake."

He pulls his hand through his chocolate hair. "I don't--I don't exactly consider all those people friends. They're all paper people."

"Was that a Paper Towns reference?" I laugh. "I don't agree one hundred percent. Maybe they're paper-thin to you, but origami to someone else."

There is a comfortable pause before he speaks up, "Stop wasting your poetic skills out loud and start writing."

Instead of sitting across from me, he slides into the seat beside me. He smells like fresh, clean laundry--and paper, ironically. I can feel the warmth radiating off of him. I am somehow very aware of it, but I brush it off in an attempt to ignore it.

"So, what do we have to do?" he asks.

"Not much, really. Maybe a couple more descriptive paragraphs here and there, but that should be enough. It's already great."

"Are you praising yourself? Self centered much?" he asks, shaking his head in disgust.

Impulsively I hit his arm. He attempts to fake frown, but I can see the tips of his lips fight to stay down.

"I could just tell on you, you know. I could say that I wrote the whole thing and you would fail."

"'Tell on you'? You're cute," he snorts. "You realize I could get every student to turn against you faster than Isabelle Lightwood can slay a demon?"

My smirk doesn't waver. "Ha, you're adorable. You know I'm a trustworthy pupil that could get you expelled faster than Minho can run the maze, right?"





We stare each other down as the seconds go by. I struggle to keep my eyes open.

Finally he blinks and I laugh in his face. We burst out laughing, literally falling off our chairs. Suddenly I am glad that the librarian does not do her job in keeping the library a tranquil and silent environment.

We end up getting absolutely nothing done.


He's there before I am, the next day. I see him through the shelves as I walk in, but he's too entranced on whatever he is currently reading to see me.

Our next English block being tomorrow, we need to finish this story. Today.

Yesterday we slacked off, throwing insults that nobody in the school--other than us--would understand at each other and seeing who could go the longest without laughing.

It was fun, but that was yesterday. We can't procrastinate forever.

But I don't see why I can't have a little fun before we get started.

Instead of making my way to the little table where Brayden and I first met and still meet, I go around the shelves, crouching so that he doesn't see me.

Silently I pull specific books off the shelves of the Teen Fiction section. He's too captivated in his book to notice anything, and he's too new to this library to notice the almost inaudible creaks in the floor from the steps I take.

Slowly but surely I approach him from the back. I stand on my toes and lift my arms up as high as possible. Allegiant in one hand and The Fault in Our Stars in the other, I hover over him so that both hardcovers will land where it will hurt the most.

One... I count in my head. Two... I try to stand taller on my toes. Three!

I drop the books and they land exactly where I wanted them to.

He screeches--yes, screeches--in pain as he drops to the floor, rolling around in fetal position.

"That," I laugh uncontrollably, "is for all the insults yesterday."

Still unable to speak, he throws his book at me. I try to duck but it still hits me in the hip. I drop to the carpet, pushing my hand on my hip.

Soon we are both hysterically laughing until we finally recover after a couple minutes.

Brayden takes a look at the books I symbolically chose to drop onto his area. "Well," he pauses. "it still didn't hurt as much as the endings did."


THIS WAS INCREDIBLY FUN TO WRITE OMF. i tried to make it as obvious as possible but anna dropped the books on his private part yenno if you didn't catch on !!

sooooo they're getting closer hmmm???? what do you think will happen???? comment :-)

anyway, HAF IS SO CLOSE TO FIVE HUNDRED READS AND IM REALLY HAPPY. a lot of people have like waaay over 10k reads and stuff but honestly it just makes me super happy knowing that my writing has been viewed five hundred times. thankyouthankyouiloveyousomuch.

anyyyyyway vote vote vote!! see u next sunday & ily!!!!!!!!!!

-jubjub <4

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